Real world trading

  • Anna is basically complaining about that most player are returning to the game and want the nostalgia from back then, BUT what nobody wants is to farm and be limited by the game in the gearing process.
    (Complaining about having to Farm 5 Years to be able to make PvP (Btw i play for 3months and have a 24npvp Cbow and 21PvP Armor just through farming and upping))

    Further she complains about the Server making anough money anyways so who cares if someone buys Full EQ outside of the game ? (Well i basically dont but buying Full 24 is taking it way too far)
    And that Ramon did nothing wrong because he just skipped the farming process - Wtf ? Please tell me the Name of the person who legitimately farmed himself FULL +24 gear (The game limits your process for a reason)

    (Some flame to Fallendy for flaming and playing Invi (i dont see hin using Invi Pots (But i do see Ramon using them))

    (Saying all our Players left our Guild) - interesting you seem to be having about Zero knownledge of the Ingame situation but OKAY (our guild (Resurgence) is in a very healthy state, just so you know)

    Well, the rest is basically hate, flame and/or bullshit
    16.1: In the forum it is only allowed to write English.

  • anna24 wrote:

    Und der Herr sprach zu Ramon auf dem Berg von Keter: Rede mit den Kindern Valorians und sag zu ihnen: Wenn Ihr in das Land kommt, das ich Euch geben werde, dann soll das Land dem Herrn einen Sabbat feiern, eine Ruhezeit. Sechs Jahre sollst Du Dein Feld besäen und sechs Jahre Deinen Weinberg beschneiden und die Items einsammeln. Aber im siebten Jahr schenkt dir der herr full 21er EQ und eine 21er pvp waffe. Da sollst Du Dein Land nicht besäen und auch Deinen Weinberg nicht bearbeiten.Sondern Nach 7 jahren endlich nach Ardir um pvp zu machen,als er Sichtbar wurde hat ihn ein Invi krieger getötet Ende der Geschichte!

    ps: ZUNÄCHST MAL macht Julius genug Geld, Server ist schon über 2 Jahre Alt, das Bonuspunkte System is ganz nett aber Schlitten oder Rudolf für 30Euro und den hat mittlerweile jeder ist auch nicht ohne ich erlebe selbst wie fast jeder Neuling in den Ersten Wochen Mondsteine kauft um für sich EQ zu kaufen erzählt hier einfach kein scheiß jeder geht den Leichten weg wenn er es könnte! hallo? ich meine es sind Alte 4story Veteranen die Bock haben die Alten Zeiten und die Erinnerungen zu wecken die sie einst in Diesem spiel in Dieser zeit Erlebten!und nein da kommt niemand mit der Breitschaft 5 Jahre zu Farmen um mithalten zu können!! ihr seid einfach jämmerliche Heuchler und Hater ""!!in dem man ein item kauft man sich Zeit" zeit die niemand gerne in einem privat Server investieren möchte weil es einfach unnötig ist den das ganze dreht sich darum das man Möglichst schnell EQ hat um bei pvp sein Spaß zu haben!!! nur Leute die Hirntod sind gehen 6 Stunden am tag Farmen um 70 tränen zu machen und davon 15 tinkis zu bekommen!!um damit sein scheiss 18er Eq auf 11+ zu uppen weil das uppsystem einfach beschissen ist!! jeder der mich kennt weiß das ich kein fan von Ramon bin aber man kann die Tatsache nicht tod schweigen das ohne Leuten wie Ramon einfach kein Bewegung in Dieses spiel were!was bringen dir deine items die du geuppt oder gefarmt hast wenn du sie nicht vermarkten kannst?weil niemand sich das leisten kann da siehe an alle Farmer und Arme Schlucker sind!!ihr undankbares Kommunisten pack!! Erst wenn man zu viel Gold hat kann man überhaupt anfangen an schmuck machen zu Denken die hälfte der leute auf dem Server hat einfach kein schmuck, weil der scheiß 25 mal hintereinander feilt! am Event tag hab ich 800gold Investiert 150 gute Rohlinge ich hab davon 3 teile raus bekommen in werte von ca 400gold!!!uppevent 75% 400 tinkis 2 Wochen lang gefarmt 15 pvp teile 11+ geschafft eine 20+ pvp schati hose hin bekommen !!sagt doch einfach die Warheit ! man ihr seid so falsch so Link!! ImAPhonix aka Fallandy ist ein typ der von Fairness Redet der h*** ist in 24 stunden invi Modus verbreitet den ganzen tag Lügen Hass und Gift egal wo er sich befindet!! klaut uns, die gebiete weg und flammt den ganzen tag !!ich weiß einfach wo euch er Schuhe drückt.. jetzt wo ihr endlich geschafft habt das euch die ganzen spieler weg gelaufen sind sucht ihr nach schuldigen und Sündenböcke! und wie jeder weiß sind auch an alles und jedem die Casher schuld!! Staat die alten Probleme zu lösen das der Server normal läuft wovon jeder mittlerweile nur träumen kann schön erstmal die Gülle raus lassen den heiligen Moral Aposteln spielen jajajaja ich habe Informationen das selbst gms und sgms am cashen sind und Gerne sich an Ramon Wenden !! eins habe ich für über 100 Spieler eine 18er Waffe geuppt und dafür gesorgt das sie in diesem spiel Bleiben spaß haben und die Alten Zeiten erneut Erleben aber heute mach ich das nicht mehr weil ich nicht weiß ob wir den nächsten Patch oder Fix überleben werden oder nicht!und ja ich weiß programmieren ist sehr schwer und kann nicht jeder und genau deshalb sollte man entweder können und richtig machen oder ganz Sein lassen! grüße an alle hater
    I gotchu laerze

    And the lord spoke to Ramon on top of the mountain of Keter: Talk with the children of Valorian and tell them: When you reach the land which I will give you you shall celebrate this occasion with a day of rest. ( Editors note: what the fk? lol)
    For six years you shall polinate your fields and you shall prune your vineyards to collect your items. For the the seventh year the lord shall grant you a full 21 eq set and a 21 pvp weapon. During this year you shall not polinate your fields and you shall not prune your vineyards. After seven years your shall instead make your way to Ardir to pvp. The moment he became visible? He got killed by an invis warrior...
    End of the story!

    PS: First of all, Julius makes more than enough money. The server is 2 years old and while the bonussystem may be quite nice, the sledge and the Rudolf cost 30 euros. Everyone has them by now and i can't tell you how often I see complete newbies buy moonstones during the first couple weeks of playing to buy eq. So please don't talk trash because everyone would take the easy road if they could.
    I mean they are old 4story veterans who just loved the old times and want to relive those moment they used to have back then. And no, nobody comes with the willingness to just farm 5 years to just be able to compete. You're just pathetic cry babies and haters!
    "By buying an item you buy time", time that nobody really wants to invest in a privat server due to it being just useless. Everything revolves around getting your eq as quickly as posible to be able to get to pvp and have fun asap. Only the people that are braindead go to farm for 6 hours a day to get 70 tears of which you maybe get 15 tinctures of fortitude in order to be able to upgrade your +18 items to +11 (because the uppsystem is just trash!!!)
    Everybody that knows me knows, that I'm not a fan of Ramon, but nobody can deny that without people like Ramon the server would just not keep on growing. What good do upped or farmed items do if you can't trade with them (editor's note: not sure if he meant just ingame or in rl) Because nobody can afford to buy the items, look at all the farmers and poor beggars!!! You should be thankful you ungrateful communist pigs!
    Only when you have reached a point where you have enough gold you can even try to make jewels. To think that half the server just doesn't have any real jewels because it just fails 25 times in a row!!! (editor's note: i speak fluent german and some parts of this collumn are reeaaallly hard to understand... like wtf)
    Just tell the truth! Man you're so fake, so Link!! ImaPhonix aka Fallandy is a guy that talks about fairness and that son of a b**** is 24/7 in invis mode, spreads hate, lies and poison all day long no matter where he is. Steals us the zones and just flames the whole day!!! I know what really bugs you. Now that you've managed to let all your players leave you're just looking for someone to blame, for a scapegoat. And as everyone knows, the only people that are at fault here as always are the cashers.
    Instead of resolving the problems in order for the server to run normally again (of which all of us can only dream of) you of course just want to play the moral saint yeyeyeye I have informations that gms and sgms themselves are also cashers and turn to Ramon to get their items.
    Once upon a time I upped +18 weapons for over 100 players to ensure that they stay with the game and have fun in order to relive those good old times. And yes i know it's hard to program and not everyone can do it, but that's exactly the reason why you should either know how to do it or just leave it be.

    Best regard to all the haters.

    My IQ dropped by 50 just writing this... holy fk I need some chicken

    The post was edited 1 time, last by ev0catorkiller ().

  • Ok guys,
    before getting any further with this. I've read all the messages that has been sent until now. I want to clarify some things.

    We do already work to ban sellers and buyers. Just the fact that you don't see it, it doesn't mean we don't do nothing. Right now, real world trading has decreased a lot. Some months ago there were pages and pages of 4Ancient real world trades offers on the e**p forum. You ALL know that.

    We apply every rule to everyone in the same way. Most of the top donors of the servers are now banned. Personally (and other staff members) banned many of their friends/guildmates. I personally, other than banning, i even "give them a lesson".

    Real World Trading has no sense, since the server allows you to get almost every item for free.
    Part of the fun of the good old times was to farm and upp the items.

    We are aware that some users are BLATANTLY cashing. There's no need for you to point that out. If they are not banned that means that we can't ban them yet. Not because they donate (as i said many donors are permabanned), but because we don't have enough proofs.
    YES WE NEED PROOFS TO BAN SOMEONE, because the staff also has rules. Going BATMAN mode is not the solution, because there will be always the guy that will think to get away with Real World Trading. We are working on real permanent solutions. The problem is that everything is delayed because we had to release faster patches in the past for the reasons you all know. Then we spent time to fix the problems born with the fast patches.

    P.s i want to warn that just because you write&insult in german doesn't mean you are not understood.
    P.p.s this is NOT a thread about FLAMING other users. The topic was born with the intent to sensibilize staffers with the real world trading problem. There was no real need for it, but since it was made i'm giving you explanations.

    Insulting users & random flame is not allowed even in Tavern. Let's keep this conversation unironical and serious please.
  • ev0catorkiller wrote:

    anna24 wrote:

    Und der Herr sprach zu Ramon auf dem Berg von Keter: Rede mit den Kindern Valorians und sag zu ihnen: Wenn Ihr in das Land kommt, das ich Euch geben werde, dann soll das Land dem Herrn einen Sabbat feiern, eine Ruhezeit. Sechs Jahre sollst Du Dein Feld besäen und sechs Jahre Deinen Weinberg beschneiden und die Items einsammeln. Aber im siebten Jahr schenkt dir der herr full 21er EQ und eine 21er pvp waffe. Da sollst Du Dein Land nicht besäen und auch Deinen Weinberg nicht bearbeiten.Sondern Nach 7 jahren endlich nach Ardir um pvp zu machen,als er Sichtbar wurde hat ihn ein Invi krieger getötet Ende der Geschichte!

    ps: ZUNÄCHST MAL macht Julius genug Geld, Server ist schon über 2 Jahre Alt, das Bonuspunkte System is ganz nett aber Schlitten oder Rudolf für 30Euro und den hat mittlerweile jeder ist auch nicht ohne ich erlebe selbst wie fast jeder Neuling in den Ersten Wochen Mondsteine kauft um für sich EQ zu kaufen erzählt hier einfach kein scheiß jeder geht den Leichten weg wenn er es könnte! hallo? ich meine es sind Alte 4story Veteranen die Bock haben die Alten Zeiten und die Erinnerungen zu wecken die sie einst in Diesem spiel in Dieser zeit Erlebten!und nein da kommt niemand mit der Breitschaft 5 Jahre zu Farmen um mithalten zu können!! ihr seid einfach jämmerliche Heuchler und Hater ""!!in dem man ein item kauft man sich Zeit" zeit die niemand gerne in einem privat Server investieren möchte weil es einfach unnötig ist den das ganze dreht sich darum das man Möglichst schnell EQ hat um bei pvp sein Spaß zu haben!!! nur Leute die Hirntod sind gehen 6 Stunden am tag Farmen um 70 tränen zu machen und davon 15 tinkis zu bekommen!!um damit sein scheiss 18er Eq auf 11+ zu uppen weil das uppsystem einfach beschissen ist!! jeder der mich kennt weiß das ich kein fan von Ramon bin aber man kann die Tatsache nicht tod schweigen das ohne Leuten wie Ramon einfach kein Bewegung in Dieses spiel were!was bringen dir deine items die du geuppt oder gefarmt hast wenn du sie nicht vermarkten kannst?weil niemand sich das leisten kann da siehe an alle Farmer und Arme Schlucker sind!!ihr undankbares Kommunisten pack!! Erst wenn man zu viel Gold hat kann man überhaupt anfangen an schmuck machen zu Denken die hälfte der leute auf dem Server hat einfach kein schmuck, weil der scheiß 25 mal hintereinander feilt! am Event tag hab ich 800gold Investiert 150 gute Rohlinge ich hab davon 3 teile raus bekommen in werte von ca 400gold!!!uppevent 75% 400 tinkis 2 Wochen lang gefarmt 15 pvp teile 11+ geschafft eine 20+ pvp schati hose hin bekommen !!sagt doch einfach die Warheit ! man ihr seid so falsch so Link!! ImAPhonix aka Fallandy ist ein typ der von Fairness Redet der h*** ist in 24 stunden invi Modus verbreitet den ganzen tag Lügen Hass und Gift egal wo er sich befindet!! klaut uns, die gebiete weg und flammt den ganzen tag !!ich weiß einfach wo euch er Schuhe drückt.. jetzt wo ihr endlich geschafft habt das euch die ganzen spieler weg gelaufen sind sucht ihr nach schuldigen und Sündenböcke! und wie jeder weiß sind auch an alles und jedem die Casher schuld!! Staat die alten Probleme zu lösen das der Server normal läuft wovon jeder mittlerweile nur träumen kann schön erstmal die Gülle raus lassen den heiligen Moral Aposteln spielen jajajaja ich habe Informationen das selbst gms und sgms am cashen sind und Gerne sich an Ramon Wenden !! eins habe ich für über 100 Spieler eine 18er Waffe geuppt und dafür gesorgt das sie in diesem spiel Bleiben spaß haben und die Alten Zeiten erneut Erleben aber heute mach ich das nicht mehr weil ich nicht weiß ob wir den nächsten Patch oder Fix überleben werden oder nicht!und ja ich weiß programmieren ist sehr schwer und kann nicht jeder und genau deshalb sollte man entweder können und richtig machen oder ganz Sein lassen! grüße an alle hater
    I gotchu laerze
    And the lord spoke to Ramon on top of the mountain of Keter: Talk with the children of Valorian and tell them: When you reach the land which I will give you you shall celebrate this occasion with a day of rest. ( Editors note: what the fk? lol)
    For six years you shall polinate your fields and you shall prune your vineyards to collect your items. For the the seventh year the lord shall grant you a full 21 eq set and a 21 pvp weapon. During this year you shall not polinate your fields and you shall not prune your vineyards. After seven years your shall instead make your way to Ardir to pvp. The moment he became visible? He got killed by an invis warrior...
    End of the story!

    eins habe ich für über 100 Spieler eine 18er Waffe geuppt und dafür gesorgt das sie in diesem spiel Bleiben spaß haben und die Alten Zeiten erneut Erleben aber heute mach ich das nicht mehr weil ich nicht weiß ob wir den nächsten Patch oder Fix überleben werden oder nicht!und ja ich weiß programmieren ist sehr schwer und kann nicht jeder und genau deshalb sollte man entweder können und richtig machen oder ganz Sein lassen! grüße an alle hater

    PS: First of all, Julius makes more than enough money. The server is 2 years old and while the bonussystem may be quite nice, the sledge and the Rudolf cost 30 euros. Everyone has them by now and i can't tell you how often I see complete newbies buy moonstones during the first couple weeks of playing to buy eq. So please don't talk trash because everyone would take the easy road if they could.
    I mean they are old 4story veterans who just loved the old times and want to relive those moment they used to have back then. And no, nobody comes with the willingness to just farm 5 years to just be able to compete. You're just pathetic cry babies and haters!
    "By buying an item you buy time", time that nobody really wants to invest in a privat server due to it being just useless. Everything revolves around getting your eq as quickly as posible to be able to get to pvp and have fun asap. Only the people that are braindead go to farm for 6 hours a day to get 70 tears of which you maybe get 15 tinctures of fortitude in order to be able to upgrade your +18 items to +11 (because the uppsystem is just trash!!!)
    Everybody that knows me knows, that I'm not a fan of Ramon, but nobody can deny that without people like Ramon the server would just not keep on growing. What good do upped or farmed items do if you can't trade with them (editor's note: not sure if he meant just ingame or in rl) Because nobody can afford to buy the items, look at all the farmers and poor beggars!!! You should be thankful you ungrateful communist pigs!
    Only when you have reached a point where you have enough gold you can even try to make jewels. To think that half the server just doesn't have any real jewels because it just fails 25 times in a row!!! (editor's note: i speak fluent german and some parts of this collumn are reeaaallly hard to understand... like wtf)
    Just tell the truth! Man you're so fake, so Link!! ImaPhonix aka Fallandy is a guy that talks about fairness and that son of a b**** is 24/7 in invis mode, spreads hate, lies and poison all day long no matter where he is. Steals us the zones and just flames the whole day!!! I know what really bugs you. Now that you've managed to let all your players leave you're just looking for someone to blame, for a scapegoat. And as everyone knows, the only people that are at fault here as always are the cashers.
    Instead of resolving the problems in order for the server to run normally again (of which all of us can only dream of) you of course just want to play the moral saint yeyeyeye I have informations that gms and sgms themselves are also cashers and turn to Ramon to get their items.
    Once upon a time I upped +18 weapons for over 100 players to ensure that they stay with the game and have fun in order to relive those good old times. And yes i know it's hard to program and not everyone can do it, but that's exactly the reason why you should either know how to do it or just leave it be.

    Best regard to all the haters.

    My IQ dropped by 50 just writing this... holy fk I need some chicken
    thanks captain !
    Apparently farming is now retarded guys , we are all stupid
    oh god my iq dropped so much i dont even know what to say
    Aravi snack
    Fearu nuub
    Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
    Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
    Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
    Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)…lmvgWA?view_as=subscriber

  • Dali wrote:

    Well if we talk about Top 3 Players, than lets compare with Resurgence

    As archer bro....why do you hate so much?
    I still wish to know why you guys are so obsessed with my Rate, as i said before i dont care about it

    If i can get a kill i favor it over the death i might take, ofc i die a lot with this playstile but as i said it doesnt mean anything to me

    As for the "Hate" it's something your group (not even your guild) provokes with for example exactly those Posts who are btw not even topic related
    16.1: In the forum it is only allowed to write English.

  • Asera wrote:

    Dali wrote:

    Well if we talk about Top 3 Players, than lets compare with Resurgence

    As archer bro....why do you hate so much?
    I still wish to know why you guys are so obsessed with my Rate, as i said before i dont care about it
    If i can get a kill i favor it over the death i might take, ofc i die a lot with this playstile but as i said it doesnt mean anything to me

    As for the "Hate" it's something your group (not even your guild) provokes with for example exactly those Posts who are btw not even topic related
    Well the topic ist about Real World Trading. And you start with top 3 ranking and talk about skill of Ramon, Monty and Dali.
    ??? :DD
    Our guild is not talking, like we are the gods or best player on this server. Nobody said something like that. It looks like, you are a bit mad. Maybe because you died sometimes in pvp and now you flame us in forum? Wtf?^^
  • Ramon wrote:

    Well the topic ist about Real World Trading. And you start with top 3 ranking and talk about skill of Ramon, Monty and Dali.
    Yes i started with the Top 3 Ranking, true

    But it looks like you dont get the Point, someone having double the amount of Points at Rank one then Rank 2 does is not natural

    I did that to point out how your INSANE cashing affects the PvP/Balance of the whole Server

    (I did not say anything other then that the your amount of AP this month is not tied to the skill of yours, i have never said with any word that you are a bad player)

    Ramon wrote:

    Our guild is not talking, like we are the gods or best player on this server
    Well not exactly that but Monty for example starts a random flame about my rate in BOG wich leads me to the point of him thinking he IS a god player and considers other Player worthless

    I mean idc really as i said but it is not me who started all of this

    Note: I am not mad of your behavior, its not a good one but thats not the point, the point of all of this is that all of your cashed gear is too impactful on the balance

    /e: I am not sure what you guys are trying to achieve but if you want me to flame/insult you on the forum this will not happen
    16.1: In the forum it is only allowed to write English.

  • Well, I can make so many points, because BoG is back. And we have now Crypta Spook as new game mode. I would the same amount of Points with a 22 Richie or 22 PvP Rod.
    I dont know, what you wanna reach, about talking always about Ramon. Saying he is a toxic player, is unskilled or whatever?
    I just wanna play for fun on this server and dont wanna be toxic.
    Its better, if you all play together and have fun, instead of playing vs eachother and being toxic.
    I think, we are old enough for this :)
    Dont forgot, that I dont wanna flame anyone here for something :)
    We are one big community and should play together, so the server would get more player.

    Kind Regards Ramon