Patch for the Assasin

    • Patch for the Assasin

      Hey guys :) ,
      i want to suggest a patch for the assasin. I tryed it myself and its really hard to play my favorite class on this patch. I think its the most underpowerd class atm. I would suggest making them a bit more powerfull, i dont mean like on official server that you can make the combo up to 4 times in a row or the surprise attack out of movement but it would be very supporting if you could go invi faster and use the combo ONCE! out of the movement (like on an other p-server). What i want to reach with the faster invi is to avoid that the archers can stop you from going invi that easy... atm they can shoot up to 3-4 bolts at the same time wich make it impossible to go invi while being atacked by an archer. Also with faster invi it will be more possible to stun in the big pvp battlles and survive an action like that... atm if you jump into the mass, stunn and need to have that one second more time to go invi its to late...

      Another point is at the tournament. There are better jewel options than outside the tournament... this means archers get more evade per skill point.. every jewels part has 33 skill... now here is the thing from strenght jewels you dont get more atack rate and the weapons also dont have more atack rate than outside.. now imagen a fight between an archer with new maxed evade levels and his Windsegen buff its immpossible for the assassin to atack him and not kill himself because he will miss nearly every hit. I would suggest make the jewels option to 8 skill, strenght. Intellegence etc. in the tounament

      I would really apricciate it if the fight classes assasin and warrior would be treated with a bit more love <3 .
      What do you guys thinck, do you have any more ideas wich are easy to be set up?

      I would love to see more classes around than mage, priest and archers :)

      Thanks :)
    • Pradaaa wrote:

      Hey guys :) ,
      i want to suggest a patch for the assasin. I tryed it myself and its really hard to play my favorite class on this patch. I think its the most underpowerd class atm. I would suggest making them a bit more powerfull, i dont mean like on official server that you can make the combo up to 4 times in a row or the surprise attack out of movement but it would be very supporting if you could go invi faster and use the combo ONCE! out of the movement (like on an other p-server). What i want to reach with the faster invi is to avoid that the archers can stop you from going invi that easy... atm they can shoot up to 3-4 bolts at the same time wich make it impossible to go invi while being atacked by an archer. Also with faster invi it will be more possible to stun in the big pvp battlles and survive an action like that... atm if you jump into the mass, stunn and need to have that one second more time to go invi its to late...

      Another point is at the tournament. There are better jewel options than outside the tournament... this means archers get more evade per skill point.. every jewels part has 33 skill... now here is the thing from strenght jewels you dont get more atack rate and the weapons also dont have more atack rate than outside.. now imagen a fight between an archer with new maxed evade levels and his Windsegen buff its immpossible for the assassin to atack him and not kill himself because he will miss nearly every hit. I would suggest make the jewels option to 8 skill, strenght. Intellegence etc. in the tounament

      I would really apricciate it if the fight classes assasin and warrior would be treated with a bit more love <3 .
      What do you guys thinck, do you have any more ideas wich are easy to be set up?

      I would love to see more classes around than mage, priest and archers :)

      Thanks :)
      Hm, I can understand that It's hard for an assasin to kill archers, but I guess Assasines already got some powerfull skills. I mean you can go invi for ever, escape every fight^^
      It would just make the guys more angry when assasins could make themselve faster invisible, because I guess you know the feeling when you nearly killed someone and then he's gone^^

      We'll see what we can do. I don't want to guarantee something.

      Community Manager | Video Editor | Everything
    • SwiperDE wrote:

      Pradaaa wrote:

      Hey guys :) ,
      i want to suggest a patch for the assasin. I tryed it myself and its really hard to play my favorite class on this patch. I think its the most underpowerd class atm. I would suggest making them a bit more powerfull, i dont mean like on official server that you can make the combo up to 4 times in a row or the surprise attack out of movement but it would be very supporting if you could go invi faster and use the combo ONCE! out of the movement (like on an other p-server). What i want to reach with the faster invi is to avoid that the archers can stop you from going invi that easy... atm they can shoot up to 3-4 bolts at the same time wich make it impossible to go invi while being atacked by an archer. Also with faster invi it will be more possible to stun in the big pvp battlles and survive an action like that... atm if you jump into the mass, stunn and need to have that one second more time to go invi its to late...

      Another point is at the tournament. There are better jewel options than outside the tournament... this means archers get more evade per skill point.. every jewels part has 33 skill... now here is the thing from strenght jewels you dont get more atack rate and the weapons also dont have more atack rate than outside.. now imagen a fight between an archer with new maxed evade levels and his Windsegen buff its immpossible for the assassin to atack him and not kill himself because he will miss nearly every hit. I would suggest make the jewels option to 8 skill, strenght. Intellegence etc. in the tounament

      I would really apricciate it if the fight classes assasin and warrior would be treated with a bit more love <3 .
      What do you guys thinck, do you have any more ideas wich are easy to be set up?

      I would love to see more classes around than mage, priest and archers :)

      Thanks :)
      Hm, I can understand that It's hard for an assasin to kill archers, but I guess Assasines already got some powerfull skills. I mean you can go invi for ever, escape every fight^^It would just make the guys more angry when assasins could make themselve faster invisible, because I guess you know the feeling when you nearly killed someone and then he's gone^^

      We'll see what we can do. I don't want to guarantee something.
      Hey @SwiperDE
      Ich glaub du hast mein Punkt etwas falsch verstanden :D Schatti gegen Bogi ist normal (außerhalb des Turniers) einigermaßen ausgeglichen, klar es ist schwer aber es ist machbar jedoch sind im Turnier die Schmuckwerte höher gesetzt und somit hat der Bogi soviel Ausweichen, dass es unmöglich ist als Schatti Atacken zu treffen ( Geschick bringt Ausweichen und Fernkampfschaden) falls er ebenfalls seinen Ausweichen Buff und Windsegen hat.

      Ok es geht in dem Spiel aber nicht nur ums escapen!:D wenn man richtig aktiv Schatti spielen spielt man j aauch aktiv und da man eben als Nahkämpfer nah an die Gegner ran muss um zu stunnen aber dann noch ewig braucht um in den Invi zu kommen ist es bis jz eine reine Selbstmordaktion. Auf neueren Patches wurde dies ja geändert klar ist es dann nicht mehr 'oldschool' aber ich denke der patch des Schattis war ein sinnvolles balancing und als Nahkampf Klasse ist es für den Schatti im großen PVP wie es hier stattfindet kaum machbar sinnvoll der Gruppe zu helfen außer ihnen Sinn zu spenden. Es würde keinen Unterschied machen wenn man schneller invi gehen könnte um sich aus einer Atacke zu retten da man aus dem Invi geschossen wird sobald ein hit trifft der bevor der Schatti Invi geht abgefeuert wird.Dass der Schatti dadurch nicht mehr angegriffen werden kann ist falsch und man könntesomit auch vergleichen, dass sich der Magier mit seinem Teleport immer aus der Range teleportiert und somit auch nicht mehr gekillt werden kann ich denke dies passiert 1337x öfter als dass ein Schatti es mal schafft in den Invi zu kommen bevor er tot. Schon ein paar kleine Änderungen würden echt einen großen Unterschied machen!!! falls du etwas genauer erklärt haben willst, was auf wen und welche Effekte es haben könnte erklär ich dir es gerne nochmal genauer :) oder wir könnten zusammen ausarbeiten was machbar wäre was nicht! aber es wäre mega schön wenn der Schatti wenigstens etwas mehr spielbar gemacht wird. Overpowered kann er nun schon aufgrund der langsamen Spielgeschwindigkeit sowieso nicht gepatched werden :) Un den Invi instant zu machen sollte wohl kein großes Ding sein oder? ;)
    • Pradaaa wrote:

      SwiperDE wrote:

      Pradaaa wrote:

      Hey guys :) ,
      i want to suggest a patch for the assasin. I tryed it myself and its really hard to play my favorite class on this patch. I think its the most underpowerd class atm. I would suggest making them a bit more powerfull, i dont mean like on official server that you can make the combo up to 4 times in a row or the surprise attack out of movement but it would be very supporting if you could go invi faster and use the combo ONCE! out of the movement (like on an other p-server). What i want to reach with the faster invi is to avoid that the archers can stop you from going invi that easy... atm they can shoot up to 3-4 bolts at the same time wich make it impossible to go invi while being atacked by an archer. Also with faster invi it will be more possible to stun in the big pvp battlles and survive an action like that... atm if you jump into the mass, stunn and need to have that one second more time to go invi its to late...

      Another point is at the tournament. There are better jewel options than outside the tournament... this means archers get more evade per skill point.. every jewels part has 33 skill... now here is the thing from strenght jewels you dont get more atack rate and the weapons also dont have more atack rate than outside.. now imagen a fight between an archer with new maxed evade levels and his Windsegen buff its immpossible for the assassin to atack him and not kill himself because he will miss nearly every hit. I would suggest make the jewels option to 8 skill, strenght. Intellegence etc. in the tounament

      I would really apricciate it if the fight classes assasin and warrior would be treated with a bit more love <3 .
      What do you guys thinck, do you have any more ideas wich are easy to be set up?

      I would love to see more classes around than mage, priest and archers :)

      Thanks :)
      Hm, I can understand that It's hard for an assasin to kill archers, but I guess Assasines already got some powerfull skills. I mean you can go invi for ever, escape every fight^^It would just make the guys more angry when assasins could make themselve faster invisible, because I guess you know the feeling when you nearly killed someone and then he's gone^^
      We'll see what we can do. I don't want to guarantee something.
      Hey @SwiperDEIch glaub du hast mein Punkt etwas falsch verstanden :D Schatti gegen Bogi ist normal (außerhalb des Turniers) einigermaßen ausgeglichen, klar es ist schwer aber es ist machbar jedoch sind im Turnier die Schmuckwerte höher gesetzt und somit hat der Bogi soviel Ausweichen, dass es unmöglich ist als Schatti Atacken zu treffen ( Geschick bringt Ausweichen und Fernkampfschaden) falls er ebenfalls seinen Ausweichen Buff und Windsegen hat.

      Ok es geht in dem Spiel aber nicht nur ums escapen!:D wenn man richtig aktiv Schatti spielen spielt man j aauch aktiv und da man eben als Nahkämpfer nah an die Gegner ran muss um zu stunnen aber dann noch ewig braucht um in den Invi zu kommen ist es bis jz eine reine Selbstmordaktion. Auf neueren Patches wurde dies ja geändert klar ist es dann nicht mehr 'oldschool' aber ich denke der patch des Schattis war ein sinnvolles balancing und als Nahkampf Klasse ist es für den Schatti im großen PVP wie es hier stattfindet kaum machbar sinnvoll der Gruppe zu helfen außer ihnen Sinn zu spenden. Es würde keinen Unterschied machen wenn man schneller invi gehen könnte um sich aus einer Atacke zu retten da man aus dem Invi geschossen wird sobald ein hit trifft der bevor der Schatti Invi geht abgefeuert wird.Dass der Schatti dadurch nicht mehr angegriffen werden kann ist falsch und man könntesomit auch vergleichen, dass sich der Magier mit seinem Teleport immer aus der Range teleportiert und somit auch nicht mehr gekillt werden kann ich denke dies passiert 1337x öfter als dass ein Schatti es mal schafft in den Invi zu kommen bevor er tot. Schon ein paar kleine Änderungen würden echt einen großen Unterschied machen!!! falls du etwas genauer erklärt haben willst, was auf wen und welche Effekte es haben könnte erklär ich dir es gerne nochmal genauer :) oder wir könnten zusammen ausarbeiten was machbar wäre was nicht! aber es wäre mega schön wenn der Schatti wenigstens etwas mehr spielbar gemacht wird. Overpowered kann er nun schon aufgrund der langsamen Spielgeschwindigkeit sowieso nicht gepatched werden :) Un den Invi instant zu machen sollte wohl kein großes Ding sein oder? ;)
      Ja da stimme ich dir voll und ganz zu! +1
      My name is Deanerys and not Daenerys! Say NO to invistunns!
    • I'm sorry but i have to disagree with Pradaa. I'm main assassin, this is an old style server, if you want to play another type of assassin you can go in other different servers. This class here is really powerful, the problem is that 90% of the assassins don't know how to play it correctly. Even if invisibility is slow it's not a big deal, in pvp you can use invisibility potion after every stun.
      I agree with a power-up for warrior, that's the only correct thing you said in my opinion.
      Assassin is the most powerful class in tournaments, he can win just by poison, he can lose only versus archers for misses and everybody know that.
      Merry christmas
    • Hmm whats your ingame Name? Atm i cant see any good Assa that stands out in the pvp?!?

      Use Invi Pots ok... You are from Sparta?!?
      Its a shame to use these Pots...

      Evocater wins vs every Assa... And at the Moment Archers does to... Every class has a Chance versus the Assa but atm the Assa has no Chance vs The archer i wouldnt care if the chance to win an Archer would be very little but atm there is just non...

      And this server is calles Old New School Server

      I think you are a troll a real main Assa wouldnt argue about these true facts... ;)
    • I'm Kodlek from LeyasRitter guild.
      Evocator loses again assassin (the assa has just to kill the spirit with poison, then use tp surprise/sand and it's over ^^)
      Everybody use invi pots in pvp, i don't know why, Hidario (xyef fanboy), you say that :O
      Maybe you don't have many bonus points to buy them and this is another deal, my friend.
      To be an assassin does not mean to give all advantages to your class, remember that.
      VegetaSama (Xyef) from my guild can defeat you (if you watch youtube i think you can't deny that ;) but fortunately i think he stopped to play or idk :\

      Du bist nicht in der Lage mit dem Steinbruch, nutzlos sprichst du noname.
    • first im not Hidario

      About the Evocater vs assa 1v1 i wont talk again cause i think you dont know the skills of an Evo otherwise you wont talk like that...

      Wow thats cool that your guild mate can defeat me?!? There are many Assa who will defeat me but where is the point here in this thread?!?

      And why am i a noname when you know my Youtube Channel?
    • Be quiet with your fake account. Only created today and already a big face. First, take off your fucking backpack when you talk to me!
      Nobody cares what your funny xyef talks about. That's the biggest rag on this server. And this he wrote to me personally in the whisper chat. Which is why he stopped then.
      My name is Deanerys and not Daenerys! Say NO to invistunns!