Pinned Patch 1.8 - Thoughts and Discussions - Idea Collection

    • If they are not referring to 4ancient this is defenetly the wrong place to put this, this thread is exclusive for the patch 1.8

      And ofc the admins don't have the spare time I do, they need to work on coding, tickets, support on discord and Ingame and also team intern stuff, then they also have to come up with their own ideas, or finish thoughts from other players as most suggestions aren't finished concepts but flat ideas
      16.1: In the forum it is only allowed to write English.

    • I was thinking of some PvP changes, especially regarding PvP outside BOG since it often is unequal and therefore not really attractive to many players.


      Maybe adjust the system similiar to BOG with a "sign up"-function for entry. As far as I can see there is either Valo or Deri mass prevailing which leads to PvP not being fun at all. Instead, limit the number of players able to join or create different instances as in BOG.
      Furthermore, I think it would be great to rethink the whole entry thing. People just abuse the invisibility after jumping in and out every time. All in one I think this can make Crypta more attractive and fair in the end.


      As mentioned before the biggest problem may be player behaviour here. People tend to farm opponents when they are outnumbered which most of the time instantly destroys the Doc80 PvP. I mean I get the idea, you want achievement points.
      However, you will get more of them, if we were able to create a solid PvP situation in Doc80. To be able to do so people have to change their behaviour, its unfortunately nothing we can patch i guess - still wanted to mention it though because I think it's important ;P

      For PvE there are also some changes I would like to see, mainly regarding farming mechanics.

      - adding soul lottery would be great since it helps new players in addition to the ingame lottery and motivates people to farm/grind

      - maybe try to add some bosses with rewarting loot to lower dungeons and documents, at the moment those are more likely something you just have to do to level up and don't provide you any benefits except some Osiris stones which are not very valuable

      - NPCs for selling/repairing in dungeons, second battle, arahur, narwashi. It's a shame to always throw away stuff

      - consider adding gems to the game? This won't make a huge difference regarding damage, but can offer another way of earning money via farming. At the same time this can be a nice feature for end game players who reached lv90 to adjust and optimize their equipment. Since upping is kind of difficult regarding higher upps (which is good, please keep it this way!) this may be a nice feature to add.
    • Oh please no gems, upping is already enough to drive me insane :/

      I don't think a sign up system is the right decision for Crypta, it isn't a pure PvP event and some people only go to farm there, those people would no be missing for one side and the balance would be gone again

      Also it is the only open world event besides worldboss wich is another reason I am personally against that
      16.1: In the forum it is only allowed to write English.

    • The less "sign up content" the better. One of the reasons that modern mmorpgs suck is that they became like a sign up fest. Everyone just sits in the main village and signs up for instanced stuff. 4story is an open world game, it would be a shame to turn this into an instance based game.

      DOC 80: I don't agree that the problem is player behavior. Yes, they could be more noble and fair in pvp but oh well. It's not the fault of the game but the current modern world morality. Let me not go into this.
      What could be done is preventing this ratlike behavior. A simple solution would be making the boss stronger. It acts like a shield for the weaker team, allowing them to group up and push back the stronger side.

      Another big problem is the DOC 80 pvp zone. It's not the right design for pvp. The hills (but especially the one on valo side) are completely stupid and destroy the fun of pvp. If I were AC I would make it possible for level 90 characters to enter into doc 70 and I would make the doc 70 boss stronger. The doc 70 pvp zone is much much better. Nice open field with interesting little stones for cover, etc etc.