Patch 1.7 - Daily Quests, World Bosses and more

    • Patch 1.7 - Daily Quests, World Bosses and more

      Howdy valued community!

      It's time to thank you again for your loyalty. 4Ancient receives a lot of great extensions and changes. The patch is based on basic concepts of the game and tries to make them more attractive and worthwhile. The fun is to be secured in the long run and to stabilize the balance on the turbulent Iberian market. Also, the rewards of known systems have been reworked and hopefully will be even more rewarding. Correcting numerous sometimes very annoying bugs should no longer disturb the gaming fun.

      The written patchnotes can be found here.

      Note: If you encounter the problem that your mouse is not centered open the settings(ingame) and disable Fullscreen and enable it again.

      Kind Regards,
      your 4Ancient Team

      The post was edited 1 time, last by AncientCompiler ().

    • In the written patchnotes (and in the video) you forgot to write that the warrior can use a 2-handed sword directly without having to make the quest. Dunno if it's for every class.
      ░░░▀▀░▄gameforge ░▐▄▄▄▀░░
    • So basically patch in a nutshell:
      1. Classes
      a) Noone could play warrior properly, so the class had to be overwhelmingly buffed since there was maybe 1 or 2 players who could do something. I am sorry, but the buffs are stupid. Warrior was pretty good even without any OP buffs. I agree with the 180° basic attacks, because people are lazy to level up warrior without it. Who thought of increasing the Shield Block Buff? 45%? Count with me ok, 45+30+22? 97% block chance.
      b) NW received a totally unnecessary buff, which does not change almost anything and will still be the most unplayed class maybe along with evocators. Btw instead of using the fast invis-enter, we could use invis-pots + invis-skill.
      c) Archer got a derisive nerf leading into the loss of 8 Schedule damage. Pretty impressive.
      d) Evocator got a buff. A huge one, check it out.
      e) Priests and mages remained unchanged. Noone cares about mage damage or on the other hand the slowness of a priest.

      2. Start sparing gold
      a) Upgrading costs tremendous amount of gold. Every day maybe hundreds of gold are gonna get lost because of upgrading.
      b) Castle necklaces cost 25g or whatever. Good luck to newer players to even make a good PvP jewel. You cant even sell it to the npc as before -> loss of Gold from server

      3. Moonstones joke
      a) Almost everything in shop costs more or comes in lower amounts.

      4. PvP
      a) Thank you for fixing arena, bog, tournaments :)

      5. PvE
      a) Good idea with Mushrooms and world bosses :)
      Peace out.
    • Unforgivable wrote:

      So basically patch in a nutshell:
      1. Classes
      a) Noone could play warrior properly, so the class had to be overwhelmingly buffed since there was maybe 1 or 2 players who could do something. I am sorry, but the buffs are stupid. Warrior was pretty good even without any OP buffs. I agree with the 180° basic attacks, because people are lazy to level up warrior without it. Who thought of increasing the Shield Block Buff? 45%? Count with me ok, 45+30+22? 97% block chance.
      b) NW received a totally unnecessary buff, which does not change almost anything and will still be the most unplayed class maybe along with evocators. Btw instead of using the fast invis-enter, we could use invis-pots + invis-skill.
      c) Archer got a derisive nerf leading into the loss of 8 Schedule damage. Pretty impressive.
      d) Evocator got a buff. A huge one, check it out.
      e) Priests and mages remained unchanged. Noone cares about mage damage or on the other hand the slowness of a priest.

      2. Start sparing gold
      a) Upgrading costs tremendous amount of gold. Every day maybe hundreds of gold are gonna get lost because of upgrading.
      b) Castle necklaces cost 25g or whatever. Good luck to newer players to even make a good PvP jewel. You cant even sell it to the npc as before -> loss of Gold from server

      3. Moonstones joke
      a) Almost everything in shop costs more or comes in lower amounts.

      4. PvP
      a) Thank you for fixing arena, bog, tournaments :)

      5. PvE
      a) Good idea with Mushrooms and world bosses :)
      Peace out.

      1a) Changes were requested. The test server was online for three weeks. Not a single player complained in this period. May be that this class is now powerful in 1v1. But it does finally make sense to play this class in mass pvp. It's the first day of the patch. Why you can't give it a week or two until you speak about such changes what need to be tested in mass pvp over time until you can see results.
      1b) That was everything that the players were mentioning in the idea collection.
      1c) It's about 100, not 8dmg
      1d) Evocator didn't get a buff, just a skill was buffed that were useless. Evocator received a huge buff on patch 1.3 or was it 1.4 and is the class with the most dmg and is for skilled players one of the best counters for all classes and suitable for 1v1 and mass.
      1e) Mages are ok as they are. For Priests were nothing requested

      2a) +13 = 5silver what is the half of gold that a monster level 70-90 is looting. +17 = about 7-12 Monster depending where you farm. Gold will receive more value, and the market is going to be more stabilized such as gold will grow in value, and you can buy more for it what (think...) is good for newbies. Don't forget that upgrade rates were also increased up to +20
      2b) The advantage of having a pvp necklace is not rly given. The price adjustment was just made to create smth that you have to work on longer now. As you'll rather clean the jewel now before you buy a new one. Also, some may be destroyed in the alch process so those necklaces will be more rare and valuable. The reason why they can't be sold to NPCs anymore should be known. // Loss of gold from server ==> Is a good thing but wrong in that term

      3.) Due to World Boss + Document War rewards and Spohr Guard Drop rework such as daily quest crafting makes it easier to receive cash items and so a stabilization was needed. Also, frequent used items were added to the AP shops. Mostly only the price of decoration items such as cloths was increased as they were (to be honest) much to cheap. Those were permanent and were sold on the market for some silver to below 10gold what if you have a char on 90 and you're playing for 2 or 3 week is not much.

      5.) Glad you like it
    • Unforgivable wrote:

      So basically patch in a nutshell:
      1. Classes
      a) Noone could play warrior properly, so the class had to be overwhelmingly buffed since there was maybe 1 or 2 players who could do something. I am sorry, but the buffs are stupid. Warrior was pretty good even without any OP buffs. I agree with the 180° basic attacks, because people are lazy to level up warrior without it. Who thought of increasing the Shield Block Buff? 45%? Count with me ok, 45+30+22? 97% block chance.
      b) NW received a totally unnecessary buff, which does not change almost anything and will still be the most unplayed class maybe along with evocators. Btw instead of using the fast invis-enter, we could use invis-pots + invis-skill.
      c) Archer got a derisive nerf leading into the loss of 8 Schedule damage. Pretty impressive.
      d) Evocator got a buff. A huge one, check it out.
      e) Priests and mages remained unchanged. Noone cares about mage damage or on the other hand the slowness of a priest
      warrior has been the worst class for pretty much forever. completely useless in most pvp scenarios, there wasnt a single feature in his kit which a different class didnt have as well: evocator was tankier, mage had better stunns, assa eye had lower cd and pretty much every single class could do more dmg. now at least he's alright or even top in 1v1's and pvp scenarios with just a few players involved; overall, this could make up for his uselessness in mass-pvp, which still remains.
      archer lost 3 base dexterity, no idea how the scaling works, but he lost ~100 dmg on lvl 90, which might be quite significant
    • Ich denke das passt schon so. An den Tagen wo diese Boss Monster auftauchen, wird sowieso dort das Pvp statt finden und nicht in der Doku. Und das Boss Monster hat doch auch besseren loot als die Doku. Also scheiss auf die Doku. Schnapp dir deine Freunde und kämpfe um den Boss. Und dann viel Spaß die 7.500.000 hp runterzuhauen :thumbsup:
      My name is Deanerys and not Daenerys! Say NO to invistunns!
    • In my opinion implementing the uppgrade costs is one of the worst things that you could possibly do to the game. Basically beacuse it takes away a lot of the "fun factor" of upping and increases the quite common frustation that one gets from time to time doin that. And it also makes the game less attractive to new players.
      For me as someone that does not play that frequently its made its is going to take away a significant part of the fun.

      But we will se how things will develop

      Btw I also enjoy some changes and besides the mentioned down you did a pretty good job imo.
    • Sure that archer "only" about 100 dmg? Im feelin very weak atm with my archer and i dont have a low gear.
      I mean since the patch i am happy if i deal to anyone more than 500 dmg with auto attack(warrior max 200 in deff but thats okay, i think now a warrio is not useless anymore). So the first time after the patch in bog i rushed in to focus a mage (he was full buffed but i knew i dealed him before the patch anyway 1k auto hit) and was surprised. "oh okey maybe he has a new gear" tried to focus an other mage..but the same so i checked in lexicon...+20 pvp eq + buffs and i deal like the half of my old dmg..
      So what i atm see is many ppl quitting archer and trading for mage stuff..and i think (my opinion) that mage and archer are now more unbalanced because mage always was able to defend his own life (even with the abb from archer)and know its like i need abb to even have a chance. And for ppl with lower cbows it must be horrible..for example +20 npvp or +20 iverian.. i cant imagine that u will deal dmg with that weapon to a mage/archer with +20 pvp eq...

      anyway u did a good job with this patch and i appreciate ur work! ..i dont want to be rude and what i actually wanted to say is if we can talk about that -3 base skill (archer) and if there could be a change again..

      Novac :D

      edit: language mistakes are intentional #Imgerman
      All spelling and grammatical mistakes are intentional :!:
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