Patch 1.7 - Thoughts and Discussions - Idea Collection

    • Deanerys wrote:

      Psychopath wrote:

      Dann lieber PvP Events die HK gleichen. Land gegen Land. Aber nichts wie BR oder BG!!!
      Ja, das wäre dann einmal in der Woche wie BE. Das passt.
      Aber mal was anderes. Derion braucht Spieler... Warum wechseln alle nach Valo X(
      Frag doch mal die lieben die gewechselt sind... berni berti & co.... aka zwillinge. mimimi 3x gestorben... gehe valo weil ich lieber mit noch mehr masse spiele als competiton zu haben.

      Denke aber auch nicht das es die Masse ist sondern die Kommunikation von Derion.
    • I would say balance the game pretty much.

      1) Derion and Valorian are uneven
      I just joined the troops of Valorian and from what I heard and learned myself it looks like that Derion has a huge advantage over Valorian for some reason.

      The issue is in the amount of players on both sides, economy and stand in war, which Derion has more numbers in, obviously.

      I don't know if there is really a solution for this situation, giving Valorian benefits seems very unfair toward Derion.

      2) Balance classes
      The majority of players play Archers and Magicians, why? Well they are quite easy to play and are very rewarding and to be honest every other class feel very blunt and weak compared to these two. The Priest is somewhat viable too, but that's really it, they should benefit from using a wand/rod. (Aggro priest/Support priest)

      Evocators and Night Walkers don't stand a chance, in fact all evocators can do in fight is to throw AoE and kamikadze God Spirits (who will die before they even reach players). Raise the offensive and defensive power, in fact everything.

      The thing that cripples Night Walkers are the cast times. In my opinion the 'enter stealth' spell should be quarter the current cast time, or even instant, I would raise the mana cost to counter it for example. This applies to other spells too. An assassin should really feel like an assassin, that means the blink should have a smaller cooldown and the speed buff too. To make it spicier, you can make the finisher spell faster.

      Warriors should receive some kind of passive buffs for what kind of weapon they are using. For example the shield should give them more durability, should deflect some magical abilities and deal % of damage back to the physical attacker (doesn't apply to crossbows, I would lower the damage first)

      To balance two handed swords and axes, I would give either of them % of + damage and the other one % of bleed guaranteed damage (ignores armor, should not be too op)

      3) New weapons/armor
      I would add some of the official PVP weapons/armor split between Valorian and Derion. Choose some good looking, not the glowy paddles with moving gears, that's just ugly. Space and Time destroyer or a Mystic staff are very nice ones to go with.

      4) Effects?
      This is questionable. New effects are cool, I think we can agree on that and it would be great to see other effects than DarkBlue and BlackGreen haha!!

      Many players would disagree with it, or maybe just with the purple one, just because they are used to the stereotype and new effects = more formulas of transformation.

      5) Gebra peace zone
      There should at least be some kind of merchant or even a quest NPC? There could be the new PVP's avaible!

      6) Character models
      I've noticed some character models are bugged. I've noticed male/feline/forehead bald model is bugged at one color, that the whole head is missing. And female/fairy/low pigtails has an eyelid 'blinking' animation for some reason.

      7) 'the last dungeon'
      The last pseudo-dungeon is 'the Marduk's lair' with the final boss being Marduk the dragon. This dungeon is very interesting, could be a real challenge if executed well.

      My idea behind it would be that this dungeon would a real challenge for the highest level characters with the best gear in 4story.

      Since the lack of models and locations in this version of 4story, the portal should be located in Gebra castle. The rewards should be adjusted too. Minibosses could drop well waters or or Water of the Worlds and the main boss Marduk should drop something special, that would be for GM's to decide.

      The dungeon is classified as level 89 dungeom.

      That's pretty much it, this server is great! Thanks for being there for us, players!!

      - Bonsoir

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Bonsoir ().

    • Nabend,

      auch wenn ich erst vor einigen Minuten auf diesem Server begonnen habe, so habe ich doch in den letzten Tagen gerade diesen Thread verfolgt. Da ich mich wie damals sehr für die Klassen Schattenläufer und Krieger interessiere, würde ich folgende Veränderungen begrüßen.


      Axtwurf sollte aus der Bewegung heraus einsetzbar sein. Würde den Krieger meines Erachtens nach schon weit nach vorn bringen.


      - Überraschungsangriff schneller und ebenfalls aus der Bewegung ausführbar.
      - Unsichtbarkeit schneller und ebenfalls aus der Bewegung ausführbar.
      - Pendatrons Segen (Bewegungsgeschw.) sollte im INVI nicht sichtbar sein. (Wurde meiner Erkenntnis nach noch nicht erwähnt)
      Zur Zeit bzw schon seit immer ist es ja so, dass wenn der Schattenläufer in der Unsichtbarkeit die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit aktiviert hat, sieht man ihn trotzdem anhand der "Kreise" des Skills.


    • -Implementing the 3v3 and 7v7 arenas would be really funny, I loved them and I spent a lot of time playing 3v3 in the official server.

      -Also, though I know it's complicated to balance PvP when you are in a groupal fight and when you are in a 1v1, I think it's a groupal PvP game, so since evo, NW and warriors are underused at groupal fights because they are worse than the other classes, they need a buff. I'm not sure about how to balance them, but they definately need a buff as it's been said before at that post.