--> Some more ideas <--

    • --> Some more ideas <--

      Just more ideas/suggestions of mine for the game in order to have more duels.

      - Make Use of Lunari's Summer Palace/Castle whatever it is in tibered, it would be very interesting have some fights over there. Nice innovation too ^^
      Maybe you could do the use same with the the place in Nezak too, but i think its kind of ugly in nezak so better not. Organise battles?

      - A pvp mode where players would enter with a fee, and they would bet golds or items. They should give them to the NPC or sth , you make it xD, and the gold or items will be send to the players with a letter just like the rewards from war ( the document ). 100% spell success inside this pvp mode ^^. Fun way to make money and play duels too, it is basically a battle with a bet.

      Im trying to think more ideas to suggest to make the game have more dueling, but thats all my ideas for now.

      Also, suggesting ideas for dungeons or sth like that will be rejected or should I tell u these kind of stuff too? I have been thinking of a dungeon or a pvp mode in tibered/tarat in the gate that seperates the two kingdoms. The gates would be openned, and it would be 1 - a dungeon 2 - a pvp mode? 3 - whatever it is?
      Geralt Of Rivia , Withcer.. with tenure