My Ideas for the next Patch

    • Strong disagree with adding everything of those points until u fix server lags and make new upgrading system that will be based only on percentage chance. Current one is so terrible that even gms can't answer me how exactly it works. U Gm will probably answer "it's based on percentage chance" but it is definitely not. It is more based on luck (bad or good) because it is * i m p o s s i b l e * to fail 17 times in a row when upping from +13. Check metin2 upgrade system THAT IS BASED ON *PERCENTAGE CHANCE* ONLY.

      Moreover adding so many new things will destroy this game because it's lagging sometimes that hard that i don't even want to imagine how terribly it will work after this patch.

      Good luck and keep lying to players that upping is based on percentage chance even though u don't know how it works.

    • Asera wrote:

      But you are aware of the fact that Elyn is not responsible for the technical part of the game ?
      He showed us the propositions so i guess he has his vote in the whole team that means he can propose it to the rest to make everything properly. Imo there's no point to give players a cheap piece of shit to play, but to provide there good and fair gameplay.

      Ofc i didn't mean higher upp rates but new system based only on percentage chance which are shown in the game now when u press H :)
    • I would like to have the options to hide my cloak. The cloak is
      important for the armor, but I don't like that my char has to hold his
      weapon 24/7 in his hands. Esspecially with Rods, I feel like it doesn't
      look very good. So give us a option to hide to cloak, so the Weapon can
      stay on the back again, out of combot.

      Also fix the the damm auction house.

      Oh and btw the bears you need to slay in yesode for brendel are bugged, they instantly despawn upon death.
    • 100% we should have marduck and doc 80 or even 90 monsters to drop some decent items.

      Ice cave needs a npc! to sell items and repair! Same with 2nd battle. Ice cave direct teleport- we should have a direct teleport to the ice cave it since it is the most visited place on the server.

      Adding gor lvl 40 gear would be nice (only to transport looks) don't make it available to make/wear only for visual.

      class adjustment suggestions- Buffing abilties- all should cast fast and not have a big cooldown like priest.

      Bows should do more damage- for example a +20 cbow does same damage as +22pvp bow it needs a buff for sure. and 2 hand swords need a buff as well but especially bows they are so so weak!

      Nightwalkers need more HP/str for sure.
      Archers need more dext nerf.

      Warriors are fine.
      Priests need to be able to buff faster and lower cooldown on single heal for sure.
      Mages are fine.
      Evocators need more intelligence they lack damage a lot.
      All buffs should have 1second cooldown except for archers reflection buff.
      Especially classes that have no refresh cooldown on buffs-warrior/new/evocator
      The ability desperate attack by warrior should not have such a long cooldown. Instead of 12min CD have it at 2-3min cooldown.
      Need a auction house fix. Need smoother gameplay.
      I've played 4story for 10years and trust me this will help a lot.

      Please buff bow and 2 hand sword damage :)

      Tear of goddess- we should be able to double click the tears instead of sitting there at the goddes NPC for 30 min to open them.

      Make a pvp area that is playable for warriors and night walkers as well, all they can do during BOG is suicide stun or shoot every 2 seconds but that gets them killed... For example crypta it is a very good place for warriors and nightwalkers because there's not much vision and a lot of hiding places this will require more skill from players as well.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Tankyyy ().

    • 53X wrote:

      DELETE INVI POTS wrote:

      53X wrote:

      I´m agree with everything but with the transmog formulas and the skins and so, the rest its okay to me.
      *I agree with everything

      You are most welcome
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)…lmvgWA?view_as=subscriber

    • Tankyyy wrote:

      Adding gor lvl 40 gear would be nice (only to transport looks) don't make it available to make/wear only for visual[...]
      I also like this alot. The armor looks in my opinion really good. And more amore varieity would do the game really good. That would make people look more individual. Now with only 2 viable armor sets for each factions, it makes us all look the same more or less. This would also bring me to another idea. Add more colors after +17 and maybe add a color, that doesn't glow too much. So you can still see the details of the amor. Basically a bit like +15 but more shiny.

      And if I may propse a balance change, it would be to change the skill or the cooldown of sacrifice. Sacrifice gives you only a 10 sec shield on max level, but its he bad kind of shield, the one that lets people target you. So you can still be stunned/debuffed. And the cons are a 7+ min cooldown and a dead pet. Which makes the evo very vulnerable after 10 seconds. So it's pretty much useless. Either reduce the cooldown dramatically, or increase the invincibility time, or make the evo untargetable.
    • 53X wrote:

      Why should we add new armor/weapon skins if this is old-school?
      If you want pure oldschool please propose to delete all new effects again
      Delete BoG
      Delete Ancient Coins
      Delete Mount effects
      Make upgrading more dificult
      Add Pay to Win
      Oh yeah and Buff Archer again
      And make Warrior useless again
      Ah yeah wait there is more,
      Add back Invi potions
      Make the Bonus points useless
      Increase Moonstone cost
      Oh right, Crypta would also need to be deleted
      & ofc Mounts too,back in my days there werent ANY mounts
      oh wait i forgot, no worldbosses
      & no d75 farming
      no tincs from tears btw
      and no seren / masters from 2nd battle :)
      /e nr 13213x
      Add back summoning scrolls (Hell Yeah!)

      (damn i like oldschool)

      Oldschool is usefull up to a certain point and also this is a MODERN oldschool server, the most defining parts of "the oldschoold" will always be at this server
      16.1: In the forum it is only allowed to write English.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Asera ().

    • 53X wrote:

      Why should we add new armor/weapon skins if this is old-school?

      I strongly disagree with that by the same reason, you can make changes to improve the pvp or pve but dont add things from "new" 4s like transmog or new skins (in my opinion).
      the only old school thing about this server is the lvl cap lul
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)…lmvgWA?view_as=subscriber