lost items

  • Hello, about bag-bug it's now fixed. For the lost items, we don't recover items anymore since many users abused our system. Kind Regards [GM-IT]AlbertoCoder this is the answer for mi item lost and 100 G realyy ok ty very much i dont will paly more this sv but ty all but ii lost items for sistem bug .... and u see this but dont helm for nothing no gold no items nothing ....
    :( :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: the best game .... by by
  • AlbertoCoderIT wrote:

    P.s can someone translate what he wrote?
    Since I'm fluent in broken English here's a translate into a bit less broken English. :D

    Hello, bugged bags are now fixed. <your reply on his ticket I suppose> this is the answer for my ticket where I reported that I've lost some of my items and 100G. Thank you very much... I won't play on this server anymore. *This part gets kinda tricky* Thank you for this bug. I lost my items because of the bug that was server sided. *or he might mean something like that*
    And here you can see they didn't help me get my items or gold back.
    Best game, bye bye.

    Why does he even write such a stuff here..? It won't help him and'll only make him look stupid. Whatever...

    The post was edited 2 times, last by taelop ().

  • i lost 100 gold and 2 items + 20 whit bank for bugs and now nobody can't help me .. its corect this decision ?? other items or more G .... I have a month on the server ,
    I've been struggling for a month to get gold and items and now I'm left without them, and nobody helps me but if its ur decision ok ty very much
  • Ankh wrote:

    i lost 100 gold and 2 items + 20 whit bank for bugs and now nobody can't help me .. its corect this decision ?? other items or more G .... I have a month on the server ,
    I've been struggling for a month to get gold and items and now I'm left without them, and nobody helps me but if its ur decision ok ty very much
    apart from the fact that this isn't exactly the right place to make this conversation, i wanted to advise you that you're not the only one that during the years lost some items for some bugs. We used to recover player's lost items, but many used our recovery system to get free stuff, since we were counting on the fact that players were using that responsibly. Now since we had those problems, we decided to not do that anymore for obvious reasons. I'm sorry for your loss, but the fact that you're angrily commenting in broken english won't change that.
    Kind Regards