wishes for the next patch

    • wishes for the next patch


      i have another suggestion for the next patch. At the moment you can rearrange pretty much everything in your HUD (Skill bars, Map, Chats etc etc) via the "lock"-button in the bottom right corner.

      But WHY, just why isn't it possible to rearrange and resize the quest-"chat"? It's optically and HUD-wise extremely annoying that it's so far below the map and therefore blocks space for your pouches and that it's so damn small. If you do the normal main quests + side quests + repetitive quests, then you often have to scroll very far and can only see 2 or 3 quests at the same time, while you often have 0 active quests at the same time.

      Please make the quest-"chat" rearrangeable and resizeable.

      And i have another point:
      at the moment you can only change one skillbar via hotkeys. But that doesn't work. If i play priest, i need to change the upper skill bar quick (buffs-fighting skill) (F-buttons).
      But if i play warrior i need to change the lower skill bar (change from off to deff stance) (number buttons).

      Can you please make it possible to change the skill bars via hotkeys separately? It would help very much instead of having a hard time to click the small arrows on the side of the skill bars.

      For the patch notes of 1.7.5:
      I really see the autoloot very critical, especially in terms of market prices of farming items.
      We'll see about the warrior debuff how that works out.

      I really like the other changes, except the icon change for cash bolt, arrow and axe (why did you do this? they look ugly as hell now and were fine before)
      i don't care about cloak effects tho. Imo they were fine as before.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Etherion ().