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  • Archer after Patch 1.7 : Discussion

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    yeah okay the loss of evade on equip is a good point. However stuns are procentual. So ur evade or resistance doesnt matter. So to disable the miss option on stuns would actually be clever and wouldnt affect those player that invested a lot into options.

  • Wie sieht ihr euer Königreich?

    SirPeet - - Tavern


    use the translation site: deepL Its freaking accurate. Atmosphere in derion: Nerv: no rly in touch with them. Only with rei ; seems reasonable so if we want to do something with them during TW they help. eQual: Dont see almost any player. TheVanguard: Glad to see that they also are in for pvp during TW after we had some arguments They could shop up a bit more in regular pvp for example at the world boss. Husaria: dont see them during TV. Good activity in Battle of Gebra. DankeMerkel: sehe kaum n…

  • Wie sieht ihr euer Königreich?

    SirPeet - - Tavern


    denke die diskussion müsste auf englisch geführt werden, da es sonst relativ sinnlos is.

  • Archer after Patch 1.7 : Discussion

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    Why shouldnt the basics be changed? Is 4story perfect in your opinion?! I highly appreciate the changes to the warrior. At least for the parts that affects his deffense mode. I have to admit these "stun-die-repeat" warriors are annoying as fuck in BoG and clearly have no sense for pvp. @Vegito: I would even go further. 4story is built on rpg. Why would something miss? When you get outplayed u deserve to get the full dmg. Miss should simply just get removed from the game. It worked on Ballaforge …

  • Archer after Patch 1.7 : Discussion

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    Quote from profiangler: “ So dann zu dir peet, den größten weiner und pussy zugleich. Hör einfach auf mit 4s, dann nervst du wenigstens keinen mehr mit deinen gejammer und schlechten Support, danke. Du bildest dir ein bisschen zu viel ein wie der Rest deiner gilde. (Ihr suckt alle, hat man ja gesehen) ” lol. Weiner? Nur weil ich sage dass ihr lappen seid und unzählige euros ausgebt, nur um dann wie die grössten Kleinkinder das PvP zu zerstören? Für mich hat das wenig mich weinen zu tun. Pussy? L…

  • Archer after Patch 1.7 : Discussion

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    [list][*] [/list]Quote from profiangler: “BTW SilenceX is/was one of the best mages on this Server. He know when he had to stun Not like „pushorleave“ mages, who just die because of Bad positioning. B2t, Warriors Need a small nerf, the buff was right Bit Not that much. Maybe buff Assa because theyre still Snacks. Archer and Wizards are Balancend in my opinion. Have a nice Ostern! ” Zu kleine eier um mitm main zu flamen. Sagt alles aus. Aber grüsse an eure übermages. Nicht nur stirbt der mit dem …

  • Changes affecting the Priest

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    Yes. But damage carries can get more points. Even while playing in a group. They can get points which can be transfered into a weapon much faster.

  • Changes affecting the Priest

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    u said priest is useless.

  • [Guild] Female Titles

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    Exactly. Its a game. Who the fuck cares about titles and stuff. Its about the people ure playing with. And as long as they know what gender u are, everything is fine.

  • Changes affecting the Priest

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    Hi all. I really appreciate the changes which have been implemented in the last patch. Howevery, Priests get put aside like no other class. 1) 150k damage to the worldboss?! I mean okay, if there is no pvp at all a priest with a wand +18 or +20 prob gets to this damage. But the point behind the world bosses is to get some more people doing pvp. Kinda paradox... 2) Get more points for the last-hit. Why? Why the fuck would u do that. 4story is a team-game. It should not be about who gets the fucki…

  • Archer after Patch 1.7 : Discussion

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    u guys are soooooooo annoying. Was archer op before the patch? No Was the nerf needed? Yes There were too many archers with a nice ac which made it really hard for mages to go for a deep stun. With the nerf now, its still hard but easier than before. However, what almost 90% of the community can't understand is, that 4story is a fucking teamgame. It's not like one person carries a whole group. In order to succeed, the whole group needs to play together and watch each others steps. It's about sho…

  • [Guild] Female Titles

    SirPeet - - Feedback



  • Shellfishs Easter Event

    SirPeet - - Event History


    Hey, gut gemacht. Ingame: DailyJetlag

  • Quote from Deanerys: “Quote from SirPeet: “@Deanerys tut mir ja leid dir diese illusion zu nehmen aber das liegt nicht an der klasse, sondern an dir. Dann suchst du dir einfach die falschen targets aus oder drückst deine tasten zu langsam. ” Und was willst du jetzt genau? Ich sehe. Ich drücke. Zeig mir bitte, wie du schneller als ein Bogi sein kannst. Oder hat man bei dir die castzeit auf null gesetzt. Und kannst krass rum abb‘n wie ein Bogi?! ” Timing. UNd das man nicht jeden bekommt is ja wohl…

  • @Deanerys tut mir ja leid dir diese illusion zu nehmen aber das liegt nicht an der klasse, sondern an dir. Dann suchst du dir einfach die falschen targets aus oder drückst deine tasten zu langsam.

  • What's wrong with you people?

    SirPeet - - Tavern


    Same here. Balancing the pvp has always been hard. Simply to the fact that u cant say oh it's 50 vs. 50 its fair and balanced pvp. There is a lot more such as communication, skill level of the individual players / groups, missing skills and the momentum of the push-call. Especially during TW it's mostly random how many people fight against each other just because guilds are unable to communicate. Another balancing factor is the activity of the players. U cant expect every player to participate i…

  • the priest class is totally fine. I agree with u that sometimes it may seem unfair being taken out by a assa in a few seconds and not being able to defend urself. However, 4story is a game where it comes to teamplay and communication. And just because there is no assa or warrior that protects u from the enemy assas does not mean assas are generally overpowered. Its sad but the truth is most of the players are just pressing some buttons and have no idea what they are doing.

  • or you just learn to analyse the movement of your enemies. Priest with no-cast is for noobs

  • [FEEDBACK] Number of alchemist creation

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    a poll? Nice joke. Or rather nice waste of time. I heard that polls are not taken that seriously on this server :')

  • Remove Potion of Recklessness (3 hours)

    SirPeet - - Feedback


    to every priest that is crying right now. Learn to cancel your life trans. To every mage that is crying. U have a fear, a slow and a potion. However I would support the idea of taking it out of the game. Simply for the reason archers with such a potion are harder to support cause they think they have to play like they were a one man army. On the other hand lSIEFl has his point. Reklessness potion is the only item thatis worth byuing from the cash-shop. Peet