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  • Petition to delete Invi Potion

    xDongo - - Feedback


    Dayum... If you delete invi potion, the number of mages who jump on your head and stun you wont change. But my tool to protect you from them will be gone. The potion that you hate is the same item that keeps you alive in those frustrating fights. Dongo

  • Petition to delete Invi Potion

    xDongo - - Feedback


    While the priest use sacri+potion, there are still gaps when he can be locked down and killed. And i wont use the potion as a priest just to sacri. Think about it, with - without potion there will be still stun bot mages who sacrifice themselves and they will be pain in the ass as always. If me as a priest do not have the potion i'll get caught just like you and unless my "unclickable" buble is not in CD, we will die pretty quickly... I wont use the potion just to "not get debuffed" Me as a prie…

  • Petition to delete Invi Potion

    xDongo - - Feedback


    Highly disagree. As a priest main i find the potion essential to protect my group at high efficency. Is the invi potion OP while using it in an offensive way? No, because we can use it to protect ourself as well. Just nerf it. CD 40 or 45 sec Reduced duration time 2 or 3 sec. Reduced drop ratio from tears. With the nerfs you can use 1pot/min and only ONLY when you really need it. If you activate a pot but hesitate to charge then here you go my friend, wait until the next potion. The potion gives…

  • Correct 75dung farming.

    xDongo - - Tips and Guides


    Great video! However as a new player on this private server i don't get one thing. Every time you are entering, you have to stay in the dungeon for 1hour because you can not portal out but only homeport? Why am i not allowed to use the portal to come out? What if all my bags are full with 9+ silver stuff?