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  • Quote from TFT: “There is only one sense in being a human ” thats racist humans have feelings too okay? xD we have our qualities... like humm...idk... looking incredibly good in leather pants xD something felines can't do and something you can't even see in fairies #humansupremacy ahahah

  • Quote from Laerze: “#fairysupremacy ” #itsokaytobefeline #itsokaytobehuman

  • Quote from Laerze: “there's a lot of bullshit in this server ” yes there is BUTT! xD you are avoiding the real problem... the fact that all the halloween party participants are fairies xD whats up with that game masters?? man thats racist xD as a human i feel so attacked right now xD

  • Also and this is someone i haven't seen many point out even tho it is oldschool and we dont have xD... i have seen a lot of newcomers that havent experienced 4story ofc most are former 4story players but i have seen a bunch of new ones and they have no freaking idea of what they are doing xD and why is that? the game as no godamn tutorial xD and its a chame since 4story's tutorial was so fun and fresh it made you look at the best of the best you can get in game and try it out and got you so damn…

  • Quote from Laerze: “I'm losing my edge to play this game tbh ” don't be discouraged fam... they do what they can and sometimes its more difficult than it seems... personal problems etc just have fun and e creative in your gameplay xD

  • Quote from Laerze: “i loved this part , cuz at this point it doesn't seem to release one anytime soon ” not what i meant XDDD BUT i do indeed want this changes most people that dislike them are just butthurt and even tho given an option not to see them they get buthurt anyway..... truly pitifull for someone appart of a community but oh well THE POWER OF CHOICE EVERYBODY NOBODY GETS LEFT OUT xDDDDDD

  • Had the ability for people to have new colors xD pls i beg of you if someone dislikes it just make it an option not to see them it won't change your game and it will make the life out of all that want it bringing more people than making them leave since it won't change their game PLEASE IM SO TIRED OF SEEING EVERY GODAMN PLAYER WITH THE SAME COLOR xDDDD also all the ideas about the pvp/pve content are amazing specialy since the line between newschool/oldschool is very thin what makes newschool b…

  • okay so if there IS going to be a patch for players to choose the new and old game screen overall between new and old. witch btw is marvelous to let players be able to have the power of choice without ruining the experience. in that case will you guys also add new glowing effects? because i think that by being something also compleatly decorative it will only had something good to the server it will only give players the ability to customize their characters as they wish since it doesen't at all…

  • Problem with GameGuard

    dakdaifgo - - Bugstory


    i have the same error and the firewall fix doesent work either:/ any help?

  • if they arent going to put the new colors wich is ridiculous seeing the amount of peopl i have seen complaining about it than at least create some to make this server unique if you keep it 100% oldschool (wich it already isnt) it will just be repetitive and boring and die off one day as people grow tired after doing all there is... is like being on an island and already had seen all there is on it. every game needs something new it takes a good communication to make the new changes actualy good …

  • Quote from Gerall: “Quote from Novac: “Why no voting? Thats the only fair way for our community, its a modern oldschool server so why not? new effects wont change the Gameplay. If the larger amount of our community is against colors okay no problem but there should be a voting to keep it fair for all players. ” People came to this server knowing it is supposed to be oldschool. If official server players came here and voted for stuff like this, this server would soon become like the official. ” a…

  • Quote from SlaveToTheRhythm: “I know what ive to say. I say NO to new color! ” well you really are being a bit egotistical... here is the thing being an oldschool server is fine and i love it but just because the new patches of the original game are crap that doesent meen everything added is cancer... aving new afects does not meen you yourself need to use them does it? some people like it and this server added some things newschool in the past and im sorry but as much as i adore the oldschool f…

  • Evocator / Summon a Boss

    dakdaifgo - - Feedback


    please please please make it happen. it would be such a fresh and new thing that would surely atract new players to the server and make the ones around entertained as well