Migration, AoE's and EasterItems

General Information
Product name
Creation date
Created by
Description Changes:
-The server were migrated onto better machines
- The easter costumes/companions and mounts were added to the game - They can be bought for a short time in the cashshop
- The christmas mounts were removed from the cash shop
- Summoners Pets now receive damage from AoE's

Entries for this version

Creation date Title Likes
QAP #5 - Important Bugfixes
Summer Costumes, Mounts and Companions +3
Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) +1
PC Verification - Queue and more +5
PC Verification +5
QAP #4 - Addons, Changes and Bugfixes +6
Easter fixes; Invi. & Reckl. Potion Nerf +8
QAP #3 - Auction House and Range Hack Fix +2
QAP #2 - Over 10 Bugfixes +5
QAP #1 - Over 20 Bugfixes +4
Patch 1.7.9c - New Render System, New Icons, Reworked Settings and more
Serverside fixes and new World Boss times
New year events and bug fixes
Patch 1.7.9b - BoG, Crypta Spook, new Effects and more +2