QAP #2 - Over 10 Bugfixes

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Howdy valued community!
It's time we thank you again for your loyalty. This time we come with a patch that should restore the game fun by fixing numerous bugs. We thank everyone who took part to report bugs to us.

Bug Fixes
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(1.) You could open a private shop to avoid stunts. This has now been fixed
- We made a Oopsiee. :|

(2.) The changing of costumes during a transformation is now blocked.
- I guess that was it with the unnoticed spying out of the females under the Markuter waterfall. :cursing:

(3.) The enormously rare bug that gave Honor at the end of a duel has been fixed.
- Congratulations, 4Ancient. Only took over two years. :rolleyes:

(4.) Once a change was made in the guild, capes with effects were reset. This has now been fixed
- Why not straight away :S

(5.) The summoner now runs to his pet instead to an opponent when he executes a skill for his pet.
- Explanation : YouTube Video

(6.) As a tournament spectator, changing costumes is now blocked.
- You should now allow yourself a little more time to put on your tournament wardrobe in time. 8|

(7.) The background music now works again.
- 4Ancient in a Nutshell : "Destroys features only to add them back in later patches" :whistling:

(8.) In the Italian translation the areas were Spanish, this has been fixed.
- Language courses are already ordered. :rolleyes:

(9.) All English territories have been renamed to match those on the world map.
- Reading is not our strength :D

(10.) A memory exploit in the client that led to a crash after a certain time was fixed.
- We have turned our backs on Chrome as a role model and are now going for a Ram diet. :D

(11.) A possible server crash with the arena system has been fixed
- At least more stable than EA Server.! :/

(12.) Another possible server crash when loading character information from the database has been fixed
- At least more stable than EA Server.! :/

(13.) The Spanish translation for the territories is no longer English.
- We hope to learn something on the language courses. ^^

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(1.) The auction house is closed temporary
- Since some functions do not function satisfactorily, we have closed the auction house for the time being until the renovation work has been completed.

Kind Regards,
your 4Ancient team

Entries for this version

Creation date Title Likes
QAP #5 - Important Bugfixes
Summer Costumes, Mounts and Companions +3
Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) +1
PC Verification - Queue and more +5
PC Verification +5
QAP #4 - Addons, Changes and Bugfixes +6
Easter fixes; Invi. & Reckl. Potion Nerf +8
Migration, AoE's and EasterItems
QAP #3 - Auction House and Range Hack Fix +2
QAP #1 - Over 20 Bugfixes +4
Patch 1.7.9c - New Render System, New Icons, Reworked Settings and more
Serverside fixes and new World Boss times
New year events and bug fixes
Patch 1.7.9b - BoG, Crypta Spook, new Effects and more +2