Patch 1.8.2 - Halloween Update & Skill System

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Description Howdy valued community!

The scary times have begun, and the land has gone up in flames. Hordes of creatures crawl out of the underground in search of living hosts to take over.
For this particular time of the year, we have spared no effort to give you the best possible time with this patch.

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(1.) Halloween Kettle
You can now loot Halloween Kettle from monsters!
- From Halloween Kettles you can loot:
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  • Large Luck
  • Autoloot (1h)
  • Formula of Transformation
  • Big Ancient Fungal Spore
  • Survival Tincture
  • Locked Treasure chest
  • Miraculous Elixir

(2.) Halloween daily Quests
Our Event Manager created unique and completely original Halloween quests for you. All of them have been coded and added to the game.
- By completing our Halloween Questline you will receive Golds and Halloween Tickets. If you manage to complete all of the daily quests you will receive Charon's Obol. Charon's Obol is used for crafting the new Pumpkin PvP Helmet.

(3.) Halloween NPC´s
- Two new NPCs have been added to the game. You can find them in Gebra – Iberian Peace Zone.
- They will offer you Halloween Quests and items in exchange for Halloween tickets.

(4.) Halloween monsters
Group up with your friends and fight them, it won't be easy to take them down on your own!
- New creatures were spawned in Horusland, Yesode, Bina, Hod and in every PvP zone.

(4.1.) Undead Invasion
- We have promised you Spooky Invasion, this is it, but in Halloween key!
* please note that Crypta Spook is still active until we activate Spooky Invasion, after the end of the event.
- Undeads will spawn daily at 18:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00 CEST.
- The player who manages to find one and kill it, will be able to loot his Heart.
- Getting the Heart of Undead is the last daily quest, however the heart will disappears after 30 minutes. Make sure you have the last Quest accepted before hunting for it!
- 30 Undeads will spawn at random maps. The map will always be announced, and the spawn points are spread throughout the entire announced map.

(5.) Pumpkin Helmet
- New upgradeable Pumpkin PvP Helmet was created and added to the game as special craft option for Halloween. You can create it in exchange for Charon's Obols.

(6.) New Costumes & Companion & Mounts were added to Item shop
- You can find more info here:
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1 - Tarantula Mount in 3 different colors!
2 - The special Witch's Broom Mount!
3 - New Pumpkin!
4 - The Plague Mask! Feel like a Medieval Doctor!

(7.) New Skill System (EXPERIMENTAL)
This is a very experimental change, and might be removed at any point, but at the current state the benefits are:
- Fixed Tasking.
- More fluid skill dynamic.
- Reduced skill bugs such as Overcast and Fireball Bug.

(8.) Old Pumpkin
- You can buy them at the NPC in the Gebra Peace Zone for 100 golds.

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(1.) Map & Sky changes
- The overall feeling of all maps got way spookier!

(2.) Ancient Treasure chest were changed to Pumpkins
- You will have the opportunity to find Pumpkins all over Iberia!
- Pumpkins contain valuable items, even Halloween Kettles!

(3.) White Behemonth was removed from the Item Shop.

(4.) Swimming Costume Chests were removed from the Item Shop.

(5.) Markut and Keter have a new spooky design! Check it out!

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Find more about the events here
Also a +30% Moonstone event is running till 1.11.2019

This is more of a halloween update than a content patch, but more content patches will be delivered soon, starting with the spooky invasion at the end of the halloween event! If you find any bugs with the skill system or in general, please let us know, we will try to fix them as soon as possible.

Known Issues:
- AoE's output less damage than they should, we're working on it