Battle of Gebra bug

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  • Battle of Gebra bug

    The bug usually occurs during every Battle of Gebra. Usually like 10 minutes before the end of the battle, all valo gets a mass kick out from the game. I'm from Derion and shockingly I get this as well. My guildmates and other people from Derion do not get this issue. Nothing comes up on a screen after that, the game just freezes for 3 seconds and turns off. After logging back on (when not dead) you stay in the same place where you got kicked out. When I get a kick while dead and then get back in the game, I suddenly appear in Kaos Base (middle of Gebra map) and I can't teleport anywhere using the portal. When the BoG ends, I got sent back to Markut, showing up that we won the battle but I got no rewards what so ever. Unfortnately, I can't prove this using a screenshot, as I forgot to do it. :D
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