Archer after Patch 1.7 : Discussion

    • profiangler wrote:

      So walkingarcher stop Flame good players and better Grab your Own noses before you judge about other Players,
      Then says

      profiangler wrote:

      because you suck hard man like garbage.
      Why should i take this child seriously :D ? (This is complex at its best, demanding this while doing the opposite the same second) zero?

      Lmao thinking that i play archer 9 years and 4story for 10 years in both official & private servers and i have been inactive in 4ancient since octomber and almost never played in winter and later quit in March makes this comment so hilarious and ignorant, since profiangler like every other elitistic wannabee mr.know it all has seen enough to make his opinion. Also I hate these type of people that talk '' bu caca this mage omg is the best in server all other 90% suck and are nohands '' thats your typical elite wannabee.

      Maybe you should learn how to take part into a conversation and leave your redneck reasoning and behavior out of this thread. There are principles to know and follow if you want to take part into a discussion, specially when this discussion is targeted on a very debatable subject like this one and the thread starter clearly implies that polite, well thought , civilized-man-like opinions are asked. This...replies and posts of you ''this mage is the best ohh look at me im 10 yo '' '' this guild sucks '' '' these players of this guild suck '' '' this guy is way better than you in dodging '' this player sucks '' etc are wasting our time.

      profiangler wrote:

      at First, walkingarcher how you can Tell that SilenceX is a random Player?
      I can tell the same way he said I need to learn my class (got owned pretty much here?) and besides of that dodging flash will make archer easily killed in duel. If this ''best mage on server '' of yours is so much claimed to be the best and doesnt see that archer is useless if you dodge him well then maybe you too bois should play minecraft.
      Geralt Of Rivia , Withcer.. with tenure

      The post was edited 1 time, last by WalkingArcher ().

    • Nokaru wrote:

      Jesus all this drama ... thank god im an evocator.
      pav best comment

      But anyway i think we should close the thread , we habe now a few comments with opinions and at least we need to wait and See what happens :)

      @AncientCompiler wenns zeitlich passt könntest du dir ja die "seriösen" kommis anschauen und dir ein
      Bild davon machen, habe das Gefühl hier wird dann nurnoch geflamed und nicht mehr richtig diskutiert deswegen vlt besser zu closen :s
      All spelling and grammatical mistakes are intentional :!:
      Visit my 4Ancient Youtube channel :)
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      profiangler wrote:

      BTW SilenceX is/was one of the best mages on this Server. He know when he had to stun Not like „pushorleave“ mages, who just die because of Bad positioning.

      Warriors Need a small nerf, the buff was right Bit Not that much. Maybe buff Assa because theyre still Snacks. Archer and Wizards are Balancend in my opinion.

      Have a nice Ostern!
      Zu kleine eier um mitm main zu flamen. Sagt alles aus.

      Aber grüsse an eure übermages. Nicht nur stirbt der mit dem besten eq am meisten. Er verliert auch noch im 1o1 gg Krieger.
      Und was macht ihr mit euren sterbe mages? Ihr lasst sie einfach auf deri liegen und lasst sie da weiter reinsterben.
    • profiangler wrote:

      So dann zu dir peet, den größten weiner und pussy zugleich. Hör einfach auf mit 4s, dann nervst du wenigstens keinen mehr mit deinen gejammer und schlechten Support, danke. Du bildest dir ein bisschen zu viel ein wie der Rest deiner gilde. (Ihr suckt alle, hat man ja gesehen)
      lol. Weiner? Nur weil ich sage dass ihr lappen seid und unzählige euros ausgebt, nur um dann wie die grössten Kleinkinder das PvP zu zerstören? Für mich hat das wenig mich weinen zu tun.
      Pussy? Leyas. No more words needed.

      Wieso hörst du nicht einfach auf? Dann brauchst dich nicht mehr über mich aufregen :)

      Zum schlechten support. Red dir das ruhig ein mein kleiner haha. Made my day.
      Ich brauch mir nichts einbilden. Bei mir ist es vorhanden. Du hingegen musst dir wohl unzählige Halluzinogene jeden Tag reinhauen um überhaupt sowas hier rauszuhauen.
    • FlushDE wrote:

      Hello Guys,

      i remind you that the title and topic of this thread is "Archer after Patch 1.7:Discussion". Please stay at this topic and stop the flame. Otherwise we'll have to close this thread.

      Kind Regards
      tbh i think they Flame because they wann thin thread to be closed..and i dont think ppl will make honest comments anymore so i think the best would be in Julian would read some searius comments and just close this thread..So maybe u can make julian to read this thread :p
      All spelling and grammatical mistakes are intentional :!:
      Visit my 4Ancient Youtube channel :)
    • remove 42 agility ez its like "i dont have jewels * _ *" if i remember in official old school servers they didnt removed nothing from the archers bffffffffffff, they just do that because some ppl cry cus the archer with 24 pvp xbow can farm ez vs ppl, STOP CRY AND GO FARM IF YOU WANT MAKE MORE DAMAGE. And the other thing.. the warrior the same shit

      "look im a warrior i just try kill ppl in offensive in bog fck i just die ez fck i dont know how to do my job fck i dont know what its a shield fuck im noob, WAIT! i will send a ticket for buff the warrior ez (after the patch) "OH MY FCKING GOD 4K WITH ULTI, bffff so ez i dont need anymore break armor HAHAHA LOOK THAT HE DIE BY MY NEW SUPER CARRY SKILL BLESSING"

      To be continue....

      Sry for that i needed it :DDD
      Now if im back with this discussion from archers i just want tell something...... GIVE ME BACK MY 42 AGILITY thanks.
    • Hello, i wanted to know from you guys what do you think about increase the debuff rate from 70% to 80% (at least)?
      In my opinion debuff is the easiest skill to dodge and most of the time, when you really need to debuff someone, it misses and it's really annoying.. I'm assassin and i would be happy to not be debuffed by one archer, but i'm just thinking about the teamfight, the action, debuff is really important and it's the most important skill for archers. Do you think it's a bad idea or it is worthed to apply that?
      The trophies are won during your training. The competition is just to pick them up.
    • @Greg 's post , pretty much says it all. Simple and true. Never have i seen anyone describing the whole clown fiesta thing in such an accurate way. Those crybabies are too lazy or don't position properly. I agree on the old school observation totally too. We came here to play oldschool 4story nobody told you not to add things but dont change the basics ffs. I dont remember archer being so bad in the ''good old times''. Maybe we should rename this server into
      something else because it just contains the files of champion of imperia,patch by patch its less and less oldschool.
      Geralt Of Rivia , Withcer.. with tenure
    • Why shouldnt the basics be changed? Is 4story perfect in your opinion?!

      I highly appreciate the changes to the warrior.
      At least for the parts that affects his deffense mode. I have to admit these "stun-die-repeat" warriors are annoying as fuck in BoG and clearly have no sense for pvp.

      @Vegito: I would even go further. 4story is built on rpg. Why would something miss? When you get outplayed u deserve to get the full dmg. Miss should simply just get removed from the game. It worked on Ballaforge soooo...
    • I totally agree with you about the misses, they should not exist because, for example, if you are doing your job stunning some players or supporting someone and the skill misses it's not your fault, it's the game fault, so yes it should be nice to see a good teamfight/match without misses but i guess they will never remove it. The difference in this game is made by dodge and also from our own reflexs, as you know, but sometimes even if you play better than your opponent you can lose because miss exists.
      Maybe something will change, maybe not, i hope at least one day to see the dodge skill with 100% rate of success, then we can make a party in markut or keter with some drinks and food :D 7y7y7y
      The trophies are won during your training. The competition is just to pick them up.
    • SirPeet wrote:

      Why shouldnt the basics be changed? Is 4story perfect in your opinion?!

      I highly appreciate the changes to the warrior.
      At least for the parts that affects his deffense mode. I have to admit these "stun-die-repeat" warriors are annoying as fuck in BoG and clearly have no sense for pvp.

      @Vegito: I would even go further. 4story is built on rpg. Why would something miss? When you get outplayed u deserve to get the full dmg. Miss should simply just get removed from the game. It worked on Ballaforge soooo...
      The ppl think last patch the warrior its useless in team fights because they just play in offensive and who played with shield they dont know when they need go stun, many times in team fights i watched some Warriors trying atack in offensive. I repeat the Warrior its a support class not a fcking retard archer. If some warrior didnt know how to play his class they have a lot videos on YouTube bfffffff
    • Yea yea, why don't we just remove the miss so all evade stats on items and skills will be useless, you should miss once in a while when someone has 250 or maybe more evade in my opinion (speaking about archers). Dodge skill 100% chance would be nice.

      War damage buff is too much, the defensive buff and aoe auto atack was enough, now warriors only use the stun aoe and run back portal most of the time.

      Again about archers damage, 1v1 test duel with mage same weapon/armors i hit him with sniper skill 1.8k and he hits me with pillar 2.5-2.6k, both beeing the big crits.
    • SirPeet wrote:

      Why shouldnt the basics be changed? Is 4story perfect in your opinion?!
      As a wise man once said, if you are from feet to head in deep shit, your goal is not to take your hair but your self out of the shit.

      4story is nowhere perfect and it is a broken game but going after non existent / impossible balance is at best covering one hole opening another. And its not only that the game cant be balanced because of the spells mainly, its that 4story was played the way it was for what it was.
      Geralt Of Rivia , Withcer.. with tenure

      The post was edited 1 time, last by WalkingArcher ().