Ticket response time and management

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    • Ticket response time and management

      Hello everyone!

      I would like to begin this thread by saying that I understand that the staff is rather small and that it does take time to respond to tickets and address other areas. However, I find that waiting more than 24 hours for an urgent matter is rather socking, how can one resolve matters quickly if the staff stops responding? And the lack of management in ticket closure is another mistake to adress, most of the tickets even if not attended for for over 1 month continue to be open, while it on of itself is rather meaningless it does show poor manegent by the support team.
      Do not mistake my points by only insulting, the staff tries to resolve issues yes, but many players need feedback on issues that are rather relevant and really cant wait more than 24/48 hours. The community is growing and I like that, however the need for the staff to be even more present and active grows with it.

      Thank you for reading my vent and I hope that the staff can solve this existing problem!

      Kind regards, Ice.