All You Need Is Love

    • All You Need Is Love

      Valentine's Day. The day when all romantics can confess love to their dear ones, or they can find their beloved half.
      Here in 4Ancient we like to celebrate love. In all forms.

      Therefore, we have prepared several events for you to help spread love throughout Iberia.

      Valentine's Rate Events❤

      Display Spoiler

      12.02 - 14.02
      00:01 - 23:59 +300% Experience
      00:01 - 23:59 +100% More Quest Experience

      16:00 - 17:00 +250% Item Drop (Instance 79)
      17:00 - 18:00 +90% Money Drop (Document 80)
      18:00 - 19:00 +200% Item Drop (Instance 75)
      19:00 - 20:00 +350% Gamble Option Event (chance for better runes)
      21:00 - 23:00 +150% Item Drop (2nd Battle)

      14:00 - 15:00 +350% Gamble Option Event (chance for better runes)
      15:00 - 16:00 +200% Item Drop (2nd Battle)
      17:00 - 18:00 +250% Item Drop (Instance 75)
      19:00 - 20:00 +300% Magic Item Drop (Instance 79)
      21:00 - 23:00 +130% Item Drop (Instance 79)

      10:00 - 12:00 +150% Item Drop (Instance 75)
      13:00 - 14:00 +50% Money Drop (Instance 79)
      15:00 - 16:00 +250% Item Drop (2nd Battle)
      16:00 - 17:00 +400% Rare Magic Upgrade (Blue ==> Yellow Options)
      17:00 - 18:00 +350% Magic Item Drop (Instance 79)
      20:00 - 21:00 +90% Money Drop (Document 80)
      21:00 - 23:00 +650% Refine Transfer
      22:00 - 22:30 +75% Item Upgrade

      Valentine's Creative Screenshot Event❤
      How to participate? It's easy. Just go into the game and take a screenshot with your love. But it may not necessarily be with another player - fantasy knows no borders.
      Adjust these screenshots to capture the right Valentine's mood and send us these screenshots filled with love to [email protected] and you will be rewarded with 10x Funny Present (rare).
      You can send them up to 15.02.2021. Do not forget to write down the name of your character! Only the sender of an email will receive a reward, which means that everyone has to send an email with their screenshot to get rewards.

      Important to know:
      Send us a mail to [email protected] with the photo attached to it and the title "[YOUR CHARACTER NAME] - Valentine's Creative Screenshot Event".
      Example: [Elyn] - Valentine's Creative Screenshot Event.
      You can participate only once. If you try to cheat you will be disqualified & banned!

      ❤ The souls of Lovers - Speed run Event❤
      Once upon a time, two young lovers lived in Iberia. A girl named Aoife from Derion, and a boy named Josiah, from Valorian. However, their love was forbidden. Both were promised by their parents to someone else whom they did not love. When their families found out about their relationship, they decided to intervene. Together they sought out a powerful priestess and asked for her help. The lovers' families paid her to cast a curse that would destroy their mutual love. However, something like this is not entirely possible. The priestess was not able to destroy their feelings, but she was able to hide their love into two playing boxes. The parents were happy, their plans succeeded. But at a terrible price. After death, nothing awaited the lovers. They were doomed to wander between the world of the living and the dead until they manage to discover the part of themselves that was once taken from them.

      Our priests have found a way to help Aoife and Josiah regain the part of themselves that was once taken away from them. They enchanted the Mystery Treasure Chest from Ancient Times that can be found throughout Iberia. After uttering a magic formula near the chests, these chests will emit a beam that can be observed in all mystical spheres. This will allow Aoife and Josiah to locate these chests that may contain part of their soul.

      How to participate:
      - Your task is to find 12 Mysterious Treasure Chest from Ancient Times. However, each of them must be from a different map, which means you have to find 1x Treasure on 12 different maps.
      - Once you find the chest, your task is to stand up or sit next to it and write in Normal Chat: Beam Of Hope & take a screenshot.
      - The following elements must be clearly visible in the screenshot: the name of your character, the chest you found, the bubble with the text "Beam Of Hope" and also a chat window.

      - Once you find all the chests pack the screenshots it into a ".rar" or ".zip" archive with a program like WinRar.
      - Send us a mail to [email protected] with the archive attached to it and the title "[YOUR CHARACTER NAME] - The Souls of Lovers
      - Example: [Elyn] - The Souls of Lovers



      1st place - Sunglasses + 6 000 BP (1st player From Valorian & 1st player from Derion)
      2nd place - Sunglasses + 4 000 BP (2nd player From Valorian & 2nd player from Derion)
      3rd - 5th place - 2000 BP + Permanent mount of your choice* (3rd - 5th player From Valorian & 3rd - 5th player from Derion) (*Mounts which were added to the Item Shop in the last 12 months)
      6th - 10th place - 1000 BP + Companion from Item Shop of your choice (Only those that are currently in the IS) + 5x Mysterious Treasure Chest, Weapon Level 38
      11th - 20th place - 5x Mysterious Treasure Chest, Weapon Level 38

      With Love,
      your 4Ancient team
      Thus I clothe my naked villainy
      With odd old ends stolen out of holy writ,
      And seem a saint, when most I play the Devil
    • Howdy Valued Community!

      The rewards for Valentine's Creative Screenshot Event❤ have just been sent! You can find them in your cash-deposit.
      Note: A few players received a small extra reward for creativity.

      ❤ The souls of Lovers - Speed run Event❤
      Due to issues with newly spawned objects, this event is unlikely to occur in the intended form. For this reason, the event has been moved to this Saturday.
      If these issues do not persist, the event will take place in the intended form, otherwise, the form of the Event will change slightly.
      Note: Prizes for first to the fifth place were swapped.
      Thus I clothe my naked villainy
      With odd old ends stolen out of holy writ,
      And seem a saint, when most I play the Devil
    • The souls of Lovers - Speed run Event is over. So it's time to announce the winners.

      1st - DarkShiny from Derion, zError from Valorian
      2nd - xBlue from Derion, ErMatao from Valorian
      3rd - SpringfroschD from Derion, Yokoo from Valorian
      4. shnx from Derion, Rumburak1 from Valorian
      5. BaguetteMaymun from Derion, Lurixs from Valorian

      6. - Maidden
      7. - Hayvan
      8. - Gathy
      9. - TengoBaston
      10. - Manga58

      11. SrMime
      12. yoda76
      13. Scream
      14. FarmLooter
      15. xxLn
      16. Deepshades
      17. xKendo
      18. MacDaCho
      19. - other players did not meet the requirements
      20. - other players did not meet the requirements

      Each player who sees their name here, please send a ticket called: The souls of Lovers - Speed run Event and choose a reward according to your position. You can find the list with rewards in the forum post. Not valid for players who placed 11-18.
      Thus I clothe my naked villainy
      With odd old ends stolen out of holy writ,
      And seem a saint, when most I play the Devil