Beast change Evocator

    • Beast change Evocator

      Hello, my name is ROMPEFUEGOS.

      I would like to suggest a simple change.
      In short, that all beasts revived by the summoner that are magicians, can use the abilities of the Spirit of Light once they have been leveled up (obviously).
      And all those beasts that are short range or archers, use the abilities of Dark Ritual.
      In this way we manage not to always get bored of the same beast and give more visual beauty when there is a war with all the beasts in the game.

      Attached an image of how it would look (edited)
    • Great idea! Morover it will make an element of suprise in PVP, since players doesnt know which monsters are mages and wich are not.

      But also as an advanced oldschool evocator player I'll suggest one more change in game mechanics:

      There is a skill wich lets evocator share dmg with his summon, it only works in one way. In my opinion it should works in two ways!
      As evo shares dmg with pet, PET SHOULD SHARES DMG WITH EVO.

      You may wonder why?

      Since 4story is designed around massive pvp battles, all classes have their spot in this. Archers and Mages are most common damage dealrs, priest for healing,protecting and buffing, warriors for tanking, night walkers for picking out of position people.
      However Evocator is to slow for this, there is no place for evo, he has a lot of crownd control tools though, mostly from his summons. The problem is once someone targets a pet it dies immidiately due to its low armor/magic resists. An archer or mage with weapon +22 can kill summon in 1-2 seconds. Without summon evo is just usless. Class should be build around keeping summon alive, dealing dmg and cast crownd control abilities.
      There is a spell letting kill you your summon for 5 second of immunity, it should work in other way, it is summon who should be immune for 3 second to went into enemy group and cast a fear or freeze or w/e.
      To sum up, Evocators need to be rebalance for massive pvps, mostly those two abilities. Let pet share's damage with his summoner also give the summoner way to make pet immune for a few second!
    • Hi,

      I'm glad you like it.
      The changes you comment on would be fine. But I don't want to go into damage level character changes anymore.
      Because in that case they have to change all, completely, skills and everything. (Which I support a lot, given that is what you comment, if you are not a magician or an archer, you are worth nothing, in comparison).
      Thanks for supporting me in the change, greetings