Special Event - Create your own cloak 2020

    • Special Event - Create your own cloak 2020

      Howdy valued community!

      Have you ever dreamed about a cloak with your unique design on it?
      So use the chance that this event does offer and create your unique cloak!

      All you've to do is downloading the deep_blue_cloak.png from the "cloak-event" channel on our discord ( discord.com/invite/4ancient ) and edit your design on it with some graphic editing tool like Paint, Gimp, Photoshop...
      You can also color it and so on. Be creative.

      To participate you have to send your cloak(s) to @[CM]Swiper (DE) via dm, I'll upload them asap to the #⚡cloak-event-submission channel!
      Important is that you add your character name to the post.
      You can submit up to 3 cloaks!

      The community does decide in a poll what designs they like most.
      The players that created the top 10 voted designs receive a permanent tradeable cloak with the design they made on it.
      You can participate with up to 3 cloaks but you can win only 1(you can't choose / the most voted will be included).

      Rewards are as following:

      • For each participant: 30moonstones and 100 Bonuspoints
      • Most voted design: 2500 Moonstones and 3000 Bonuspoints
      • Second most voted design: 1250 Moonstones and 1500 Bonuspoints
      • Third most voted design: 750 Moonstones
      • Fourth - Tenth most voted design: 500 Moonstones

      With the 07.10.2020 18:00, the event does start!

      It ends with the 13.10.2020 18:00.

      Community Manager | Video Editor | Everything
    • Howdy valued community!
      After you have had 25 hours to vote for your favorite cloaks it is now time to announce the winners.

      First of all, we would like to thank everyone who took the time and effort to create their own unique cloak. There were some really great cloaks!

      Now we come to the winners:

      1st place: lemmesitonyou - 2500 Moonstones + 3000 Bonuspoints, congratulations!
      2nd place: Sh0tbreaker - 1250 Moonstones + 1500 Bonuspoints, congratulations!
      3rd place: DerKaiser - 750 Moonstones, congratulations!4
      th place: Hutzsi - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!
      5th place: Giovanna - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!
      6th place: Bischof - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!
      7th place: Lndirex - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!
      8th place: Torrent - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!
      9th place: FreiWild - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!
      10th place: Yeehaw - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!

      To the 10 winners the team decided to add 2 more cloaks to the game because we liked them. The winners each get 500 moonstones + the cloak.

      Special Winner 1: Ozurian - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!
      Special Winner 2: zDora - 500 Moonstones, congratulations!

      To the winners: please make sure you sent me the picture / design you put on the cloak!You will receive the moonstones + bonus points within the next few minutes/hours and the cloaks will be patched into the game and placed in your cash deposit very soon, we will let you know when we have added them!

      Not to forget: Each player who participated in the event will receive 30 moonstones and 100 bonus points.

      Community Manager | Video Editor | Everything