February 3v3 arena event

  • February 3v3 arena event

    Hodwy valued comunity!

    A new oportunity to participate in this pvp tournament is going to take place in the 4ancient´s kingdom to determine which group of players are the best this time, will you miss it? Go ahead and show everybody your skills!

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    Tournament information:

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    This time it is going to be a little bit different than the last one, we did hear your feedback so we are introducing some changes to make it better & more interesting (and no, we wont remove nightwalkers from this event :P ).

    This tournament is going to be as much balanced as possible, by this I mean that you won´t be able to use your own equipment nor jewells. Instead of this you will have to get a new Dungeon 79 equipment and weapon, but no jewells. You can either farm it or ask to those people who like PvE to farm it for you, for a reasonable amount of gold :) Either you choose one option or another, you will have 2 weeks starting from today to get that items as the tournament will take place on Saturday 22 around 16:00 PM (server´s time). The reason why we give you this amount of time its because we want to have a really nice amount of participants since in the past we couldnt make it to 8 groups, therefore this time we will have a better rewards even just for participating not depending on the number of the games you win. If we get more than 8 groups of participants we would look for a different model of tournament instead using the traditional one (which allows only 8 groups), you will receive more information if needed.

    You will have until Wednesday 19 to submit your application to the tournament, the only way to do that is by writting down in the comments the list of participants by following this structure:

    3vs3 Event - Derion/Valorian

    1- Player name (leader)
    2- Player name
    3- Player name

    Important: After Wednesday 19 you won´t be able to modify the participants´s list.


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    1. You MUST wear dung 79 equipment and weapon, and you cant cover your character with any costume to hide it.
    2. You MUST NOT have any single jewell in your bags, you can put them into the deposit or the bank. All the characters will be checked before the match, if we find that you have even a drop jewell without any stat in your bag, the group will be automatically eliminated.
    3. Using snowball, reckless potion or any other trick to get an advantage is totally forbidden. I can´t put here all the tricky things you could think up, this is a fair tournament and you will loose that round if you do that.
    4. Only level 90 are allowed
    5. All the rounds will be Bo3 but the final will be Bo5 [Not sure yet, depending on the number of participants, I will update this one].

    I might update the rules if needed, if so, I will only do that until Wednesday 19 so you will have enough time to check them.


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    As I said before, just by participating you will get a small reward. A random number of players who spectate the tournament will also receive some misterious and spooky treasures.

    • Tournament participants: Each player will receive 10x misterious and spooky treasure, 15x speed potions and 1x reckless potion (3h)
    • Winner: Each group member will get 2000 bonus point, 100x speed potions and 50x almond chocolate
    • Second: Each group member will get 1500 bonus point, 80x speed potions and 40x almond chocolate
    • Third: Each group member will get 1000 bonus point, 60x speed potions and 30x almond chocolate
    • Fourth: Each group member will get 500 bonus point, 40x speed potions and 20x almond chocolate

    Almond chocolate: Increases 15% HP and 10% MP for 10 minutes, 40 sec cooldown.


    Good luck to everyone for this time, please if you have any suggestion you can write here or contact me/any other teamler in the discord. See you guys! :thumbsup:

    Howdy Valued Community!

    The post was edited 2 times, last by ZaskoES ().

  • Registration is over!

    Since we didnt fill the tournament with 8 groups, the draft will be different:

    • There will be 5 rounds, all the teams will fight against everyone multiple times
    • Your team will earn 1 point per win
    • The 2 teams with most amount of points will move to the final, the next 2 team will fight for the 3rd and 4th possition, and the team with less amount of points will be the 5th.
    • Remember to check the rules (I wont edit them anymore)

    See you on Saturday at 16:00 (server time), good luck guys!

    Howdy Valued Community!