Is this game still alive?

    • Is this game still alive?

      I was thinking of giving this game another shot, but can't help but notice that things are rather quiet around here. A quick look around pretty much showed me the following:
      • Apparently there's been shifts in the management team? Staff members have changed positions or stepped out of the project completely;
      • Seemingly no overhauls to the website or QoL updates previously established by the team;
      • There's a lack of activity from previous veteran or otherwise active players according to their forum history;
      • Also related to the previous topic, the forums seem rather dead in comparison to last year;
      • There are still threads roaming around that contain outdated information or hold dead links (example being how to sort out Windows 10's performance issues);
      • Social media hasn't mentioned anything in over two months and the YouTube account associated with 4Ancient has been deleted and all of its uploads (and therefore all of the trailers, video updates and guides) are now gone;
      • No online buzz about the game, especially now that both the official GLOBAL and KOREAN versions of the game have shut down;
      Some clarification would be much appreciated.

      P.S: Why am I unable to change my avatar? Uploading does nothing and trying to submit gives me an error. I tried different browsers.

      The post was edited 9 times, last by Maulclaw ().

    • the server is boring as fuck thats why u dont see veterans ,in my case , after playing for 1.5+ years nonstop i just find this game so boring i cant stand it
      but theres still a lot of ppl playing it so give it a shot u might enjoy it
      theres also some promising ideias coming so in the near future maybe some vets will come back
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)…lmvgWA?view_as=subscriber

    • Hello Maulclaw,

      Our server hits 400 - 700 concurrent players each day, sometimes peaking up to 800 or 900. We also recently just hit the 1000 concurrent players record.

      Our server is very much alive, just because some players stopped or are AFK for some time, doesnt mean that it's dead. :)

      If you are curious about recent changes and you want to be updated 24/7, I would recommend checking out the Changelog section in our forum and I would also like to invite you to your official discord server:

      As to your Avatar change, you have to meet the credentials which are given to you.

      Kind regards,