Market fix and PvP related update Ideas

    • Market fix and PvP related update Ideas

      I will present you my ideas for the next update, which I personally want to implement in the game:

      1. Market Fixing
      To fix the market, I would increase the droprates of the Survival Tinctures and the Bonus Points. This would decrease the prices, since they can't be bought with MS. Also, more people would upp because demand for the Tinctures is high, but there is no supply. Upping would bring in more variety in the weapon- and armourmarket. With more variety, people have to sell their items for less money, If they want to get rid of it, which means, that all the prices for the items will go down.

      (Be aware, that these are only estimations)

      2. Disable Invisible Potions for BoG, CW and D80
      Because many people are complaining about invi potions, I would not remove them from the game, but I'ld like to have a mix from PvP with and without Invis. For that, I'ld leave the potions for Crypta and TW. Also Ardir PvP will be with those potions, but to compensate every peoples wishes, I would prefer that.

      3. Make Speed Potions available for less money + Cash Speed Potion (example: at NPC for 20s/ea)
      A Cash Speed Potion, which is like a Cash Bolt for 600-700ms.

      4. Reduce Time between activating and deactivating your mount
      Simply because you often get stuck if you have to get down from your mount for a fear or a flash. With the reduction you can't spam your mount, but you will be able to get on it's back faster.

      5. Add Cash-Whip
      A critical item to add, but in my opinion necessary for efficient pvp. As I mentioned before, PvP is really slow in the game, also getting to quests and simply moving around the map takes a while. For this reason I'ld like to add a Cash Whip. Also, I'ld add normal whips, which you can Craft from dropped materials (not sure about the materials yet, but I want, that Flawless Leather and Oil-Soaked Material have other uses). It wouldn't fit in the game 100%-ly tho.

      6. Beeing able to remove your activated mount for about 300ms
      Simply, if you are tired of your mount you can deactive it and sell it again.

      7. Reduce priest Cast-times for support spells by 5-10%
      If mages try to stun in and fail, a priest has very low chance to get them out of the enemy mass, because every ability except of "Bood Victim" has a long cast-time. To fix that, I would simply lower the cast times (only for support spells) by 5-10%

      I am open for new ideas and opinions. Please make sure, if you want to criticise my points find arguments, and don't just say: "no this is shit".

      Best Regards, Cean :).

      The post was edited 2 times, last by CeanHU: edit: Speed Pot Idea ().

    • CeanHU wrote:

      5. Add Cash-Whip
      A critical item to add, but in my opinion necessary for efficient pvp. As I mentioned before, PvP is really slow in the game, also getting to quests and simply moving around the map takes a while. For this reason I'ld like to add a Cash Whip. Also, I'ld add normal whips, which you can Craft from dropped materials (not sure about the materials yet, but I want, that Flawless Leather and Oil-Soaked Material have other uses).
      The whip is most shit ever, it has no place on this server.

      While rest ideas are ok this one with the whip is big bullshit.
    • Laerze wrote:

      Wtf cashwhip fuck no
      The rest of the ideias are alright I guess

      xHunter wrote:

      CeanHU wrote:

      5. Add Cash-Whip
      A critical item to add, but in my opinion necessary for efficient pvp. As I mentioned before, PvP is really slow in the game, also getting to quests and simply moving around the map takes a while. For this reason I'ld like to add a Cash Whip. Also, I'ld add normal whips, which you can Craft from dropped materials (not sure about the materials yet, but I want, that Flawless Leather and Oil-Soaked Material have other uses).
      The whip is most shit ever, it has no place on this server.
      While rest ideas are ok this one with the whip is big bullshit.
      As I said, In my opinion its also an item which doesnt fit in 100%-ly, but I want to hear the community's opinion.