Open World PvP & PvE Map

    • Open World PvP & PvE Map

      Do you like this idea? 61
        Yes (57) 93%
        No (4) 7%
      Howdy valued community!

      A few minutes ago, I got an idea that could change our server, it would be a big change, so I want to ask you for your opinion.

      1) We would add a new large map full of small Villages and with a big City in the middle of the map.

      1.1) Villages
      - There will be NPCs with Quest which can take / complete only the nation which own the village (Like TW, when you kill the Patron the territory is yours and you can talk with NPCs)
      - If the other nation will attack the Village the nation which owns the Village would be informed (If the enemy take yours Village it will take a while until you can take it back)
      - Villages might be protected by walls with gates, near gates will be Teleports which allows the owners of the Village to teleport in, but you cant use Teleports to TP out.
      - Villages will be protected by strong NPCs which will be inside of the Villages but also outside. Outside NPCs will be also scauts, they will report enemies near the village.

      1.2) City
      - There will be City in the middle of the map. This City will be full of monsters and semi-bosses, also Invasion Leader might be present
      - By killing these monsters / semi-bosses you will complete Q for NPCs in Villages
      - By killing monsters / semi-bosses you can loot special box (more info in 3) )

      1.3) Surroundings:
      - Will be full of monsters and in some locations will be a small pack of monsters with semi-bosses.
      - By killing these monsters / semi-bosses you can loot special box (more info in 3) )

      2) Invasion
      - The team which will kill more Invasion Leaders will win
      - Invasion will be instanced mode so it wont affect the base map
      - Monsters and Invasion leaders wont spawn at the same time in every Village, Invasion will progress gradually and players will be informed of its progress

      2.1) Villages
      - During invasion (1 - 2h approx) the Village will be under attack of monsters, by killing this monsters you will summon semi-bosses and by killing semi-bosses you will summon Leader of the Invasion
      - During invasion, Villages would belongs to the monsters

      2.2) City
      - During invasion might be also spawned some Leaders of the Invasion in the City

      3) Loot

      3.1) "Invasion Leaders box" - you will get this box by participating in Invasion mode or by killing Invasion Leader on base map.
      - "Invasion Leader Box" which might contain: (This is not a final version! So dont take this as 100% loot options)
      1) Rune Boxes = normal / good / rare runes*
      2) Jewels Boxes = Blue Jewels (7/8/rare 9 endurance, rare PvP necklace with 7/8 endurance)*
      3) Items for Transmog crafts
      4) Rare skins for Transmog (x% chance for drop)
      5) Other items
      6) Stuff for Quests

      3.2) Semi-bosses loot:
      - "Invasion Box" which contains : (This is not a final version! So dont take this as 100% loot options)
      1) Rune Boxes = normal / good runes*
      2) Jewels Boxes = Blue Jewels with 7 / 8 endurance*
      3) Items for Transmog crafts
      4) Rare skins for Transmog (x% chance for drop)
      5) other stuff
      6) Stuff for Q

      3.3) Monsters loot: (This is not a final version! So dont take this as 100% loot options)
      1) x% Chance to drop "Invasion Box"
      2) Stuff for Quests

      4) Monsters
      - Every Monster / Boss should be immune vs AoE dmg and CC spells and Sacri would be banned on this map = players should be careful and dont pull more mobs than they can handle. Because any monster could make the difference between life and death.

      * If we will add Rune Boxes and Jewels Boxes we might stop using rate events (refine / jewels) but this must be calculated so that it does not affect the market, it is possible that the base % success rate would be increased so the market will be like its now.

      I expect that this map would increase group PvE and PvP on a daily base and mass PvP during Invasions.
      Also the Village system would be like a small hourly TW and Q from NPC would contain valuable items.

      Now it is up to you, if you like this idea vote for it if you dont like it vote against it.
      However, I cannot guarantee that we will add this.

      P.S.: I will be glad for any comment or idea. :thumbsup:
      Thus I clothe my naked villainy
      With odd old ends stolen out of holy writ,
      And seem a saint, when most I play the Devil

      The post was edited 13 times, last by ElynCZ ().

    • Well , as usually i'll be the cunt who complain but w/e .. I like the concept , but , as since 1 year , there is a shit ton of propositions to make " our " server better , so yeah .. I personally like the idea but as usually it probably won't happen , as AirSeller did ask , i'm curious to see on wich map it would be .. When u see wich map has been choosen for the crypta u_U , anyway wich kind of person would be against some content on 4ancient x') There is nothing to do the half of the time sadly , if in the best case this happen , it shouldn't be an open world cause of the balance .
    • I must honestly say I do not believe in this idea, the idea is good but it will unfortunately fail in the implementation,
      there are so many ways to make good pvp, what we need is a good farm instance such as Marduk nest from official 4story ,a Good pvp allways Starting w a Good Group of experienced Players and for marduk u need this to win ! too meny players have too low Equipment ,and jes Farming Alone is Fucking Boring but W Good Frends i can Farm the shit out of the Monsters ,
    • @AirSeller & @NainPorteQui About map is too early to say. It might be a new one or just changed old one... Atm its just my idea.

      @NainPorteQui About balance, well I got some ideas how to make it balanced, like Invasion would be a new mode where you have to sign up and it would be instanced, so it would not affect the base map, also that on the base map could be at least 2 channels, since it could be a bit overcrowded, especially from the beginning.

      @HolzFeller In this idea I focused on how to combine PvP & PvE on the same map. Ofc that there is a lot of ways how to improve the server PvP & PvE but as I said in this idea I wanted it both on one place. About low EQ, I thought about it, maybe that everyone could have same "base" EQ on this map, but by killing monsters you would loot like "Invasion Points" same with killing ppl which would give you even more "Ivasion Points" and for that you could "borrow better EQ for some minutes" or improve your EQ and buy elixirs etc (this items would work only on this map ofc)...

      But still take it as a sketch, atm I got like 10 ideas how to make it better so some things may change. 8|
      Thus I clothe my naked villainy
      With odd old ends stolen out of holy writ,
      And seem a saint, when most I play the Devil

      The post was edited 3 times, last by ElynCZ ().