Some Ideas

    • Hello @ all :)

      I wanna share aome ideas to discuss about:

      - i think it would be nice if items like autoloot or empty companion runes are stackable, if u have like 30 autoloots it is anoying to store them or sell them in a shop :P
      - its nice, that stacks are going to 250 but can u improve it further? Just to save space :love:
      - increase the number of chats per account.
      If theres a balancing problem just let the further space cost some MS or make quests for it :)
      - make it possible to delete mounts (who takes the 130er or 150er mounts :P
      - the same with companions, i have for example some, which i dont like anymore and they are annoying in the inventory where i see them all
      - add more pve parts like dungeons or runs where we can drop items like tincs, bp or just golds, only pvp could be boring from time to time :evil:
      It could be possible, that some of these ideas where already in discussion, i didnt see them so far so i write them here :D


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Hermaeus ().