Small suggestion from a NW

    • Small suggestion from a NW

      Right now Warrior is pobably one of the strongest classes while the NW is at the bottom tier list. One of the reasons are, that warrior has the Inner Eye ability. In big PvP battles you got a dozen of warriors. It is pratically impossible to sneak upon the group, since you will probably get axe stunned by one of the warriors and that's usually your end. But why does only the Warrior, apart from the NW have the Inner Eye?

      My suggestion would be to remove the Inner Eye from the warrior. This would change a few things:

      1. It would make Nightwalker slightly stronger, especially in big PvP fights because he has now a better chance to sneak into the opponents.
      2. It would also nerf the Warrior slightly, not a big deal since he is still a very strong class after all.
      3. It would make, that NWs need to counter NWs. So now if you got invisible NWs they have to look out for eachother, because they will be the only one with the Inner Eye. This would make battles far more exciting.

      I believe changing this would improve balance alot and make Nightwalkers more usefull. They should be the only ones who can disappear from the surface and also the ones who can identify their same kind.

      Alternatively, change the Inner Eye of the warrior, so it can't detetect NW's invis spells.

      What do you guys think about that? :D

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Paddy369 ().

    • Hello Hypnos,

      could you explain why this would be the case? The strength of each class depends heavily on the circumstances. I doubt that a NW would be all at once the dominant class in mass PvP. In duels this would give NW ofcourse a massive advantage over the Warrior, but why would this change increase the power level towards other classes?

      My point still remains, that NWs are there to counter eachother. You would still not be able to just run invisible into a group of enemys, you could always run up into another NW. You would still neeed to play carefully and be aware of your surroundings.

      And where do you think is the NW atm in regards to class balance?

      Kind regards,