Suggestions to better the PvP

    • Suggestions to better the PvP

      So i have 4 Points ( from my perspective ), which would change some things:

      Point 1: Thematic is Invipotions, either they are removed entirely ( which would be the best choice ) or they are limited to classes like Priests only. OR, they as long as the user is invisible he/she can not use any Skills saidso they are only a tool to escape.

      Point 2: There allways, per fraction, a local Area which gives you an advantage. It is meant that way, that depending on the classes which are actually there in the fraction. Example: One Country has a lot more Archers ( which are stronger open field ) the other Country has more Mages ( which are stronger in tight alleys ). BoG unfortunatly only gives us the wide ( open area ), so it would be awesome to have a second battle, which is located more in alleys/not as wide areas. This is only one reason why it would be meaningfull.
      The other and more important reason is that most people are just bored most of the time, those who have all the need and dont want to do PvE anymore but PvP. Therefore it would be appropriated to bring up something new. Here my suggestion:

      An instanced map, best would be Highlands, clearly bound off by invisible walls, the shrines linked one to another by 2 paths ( alleys ).
      It could be held in two diffrent ways (because i think both would be a good option). Either like BoG at fixed times or as an registry ( open at all times ), each Country requireing for example 14 Players to register before it could begin. This ways also in the late evening or night when some are bored we could still have awesome PvP.

      Point 3: Do something against these Porterplays/Inviplays. Here a suggestion: Relocate the Porters in the Warzones, for example outside of TW let the central Porter vanish or be deactivated. Every Country starts each in the East or West and have from there to run on there own. While TW there are diffrent variations how it could be done, remove them entirely out of the fortresses,(or) place them simply that way that while pushing in there porter doesn't have to be pasted by so multiple groups hiding in the porter cant just overrush you out of porterinvi or simply remove the invitime after port.
      On this topic i'm not really sure which variant would be the best, therefore i'm asking you guys.
      Reasoning behind this is that you should never have an advantage out of Porterinvis.

      Point 4: Make PvP as a whole more attractive, here my suggestion: Therefore it doent matter which map is used or if it changes from day to day.
      I'll take Ardir as an example: from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. (not while TW tho) there are centain mobs running arround on the map which respawn after a certain time, which drop something cool and killing a Player from the other country gives you, at this time and on this map only, something special for example a currency which you need to craft special items ONLY awayable with this currency. This means on this map there would be 12 hours a day free PvP. Naturally there are other ways to accomplish all this but the fundamental Idea should be clear.

      Long story short: No invi stunns, no porterplays, enought PvP nonetheless it's day or night.

      Give it a shot and give your ideas, tell what would you think about these, maybe i am mistaken and you are all pleased by the way PvP is right now which i would find terribly sad tho if you are, then in my eyes 4Story isnt all about the unfair advantages you can gather but about the Teamplay in PvP. To perfect this and to tune your team to one another, creat tactics, have fun and to be able to tell yourself that you won because you are better and not only because in that moment you had an unfair advantage over your enemie.

      German Version
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      Also, ich hätte 4 Punkte die (aus meiner Sicht) einiges ändern würden.

      Punkt 1 : Thema Invis, 3 vorschläge : Entweder die Dinger kommen komplett raus (was das beste wäre) oder man sagt man beschränkt sie auf Klassen, zB nur Priester können sie benutzen. ODER, man sagt solange man im invi ist kann man keine Skills benutzen, heißt sie wären nur fürs abhauen da.

      Punkt 2 : Es gibt immer pro Land eine Umgebungslage die einem einen Vorteil bringt, gemeint ist das so gesehen auf die jeweiligen Klassen die im Land vorhanden sind. zB das eine Land hat viel mehr Bogis (heißt stärker auf breiten Flächen, das andere Land hat mehr Mages, heißt stärker in engen Gebieten. Da BoG zB nur die Breite liefert wäre es geil eine zweite Schlacht zu haben die eher auf die Enge bezogen ist. Das ist nur ein Grund warum es sinnvoll ist. Der andere und wichtigere ist natürlich man langweilt sich einfach die meiste Zeit, die meisten die alles haben wollen kein PvE mehr machen, sondern PvP. Daher wäre es angebracht was neues zu bringen. Hier mein Vorschlag :
      Eine Instanzierte Map, am geilsten wäre Hochland, abgegrenzt mit einer unsichtbaren Mauer, die schrein verbunden mit zB 2 engstellen. Man könnte die Schlacht auf 2 weisen (die ich beide gut fände) durchführen. Entweder wie BoG feste Zeiten einlegen, oder als immer mögliche Anmeldung, zB jedes land muss sagen wir mal mind 14 Leute anmelden bis es los gehen kann, so könnte man auch mal Nachts am Wochenende wenn einem langweillig ist geiles pvp haben.

      Punkt 3 : Etwas gegen die Porter bzw Invi aktion machen. Hier mal ein Vorschlag : Die Portale in den Kriegsgebieten umlegen, zB außerhalb der GE den zentralen Porter verschwinden bzw deaktivieren lassen. Jedes Land startet jeweils im Osten oder Westen der Karte und muss von da aus selber laufen.Zur GE gibt es verschiedene Varianten wie man es machen könnte, die Portale aus den Gebieten komplett entfernen, sie einfach so setzen das man wenn man rein pusht nicht am Porter vorbei muss (das man nicht einfach mit mehreren Gruppen die Angreifer invi überpushen kann) oder einfach die Invi zeit raus nehmen. Zu dem Thema bin ich mir selber nicht ganz schlüssig welche die beste Variante wäre, daher frage ich euch. Sinn dahinter sollte sein, das man nie mit Porter Invi einen Vorteil haben sollte.

      Punkt 4 : PvP im ganzen attraktiver machen, hier mein Vorschlag : Dazu ist egal welche Karte man dafür nimmt, oder sie abwechselt Tag für Tag. Ich nehme mal Ardir als Beispiel : von 12 Mittags bis 12 Nachts (außer zur GE) laufen bestimmte Mobs auf der Karte rum die nach einer Zeit respawnen, die irgendwas cooles droppen, das töten von Deris/Valos bringt zu der Zeit, nur auf der Karte etwas besonderes. zB eine Währung mit der man Dinge herstellen kann die man NUR damit herstellen kann. Heßt auf der Karte wäre 12 std am Tag free PvP. Gibt natürlich auch noch andere Wege das ganze zu machen, aber der Grundgedanke dabei sollte klar sein.

      Kurzfassung : Keine invi stunns, keine porter aktion, genug pvp ob tags oder nachts.

      Haut eure Ideen raus, sagt wie ihr das finden würdet, vllt täusche ich mich ja auch und allen gefällt das pvp so. Was ich sehr traurig fände. Weil ich meinen Augen geht es in 4Story nicht um all die unfairen vorteile die man sich verschaffen kann sondern um Teamplay im pvp. Das zu perfektionieren, sein team aufeinander einzuspielen, Taktiten zu entwickeln, dabei Spaß haben, und sich sagen zu können, man hat gewonnen weil man besser war, und nicht weil man in der Situation den Moment als Vorteil hatte.

      LG Happi[/spoiler German]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Enraged ().

    • Kurzfassung : Keine invi stunns, keine porter aktion, genug pvp ob tags oder nachts.
      no invi stuns, no hiding in porters and doing something to attract more people to do pvp
      no invi stuns merde baguette, ne pas porte de action et je ne sais pas


      My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Derion Tribes, Valo Kingdom, casher Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the casher attacked.
    • Natsuuu wrote:

      Kurzfassung : Keine invi stunns, keine porter aktion, genug pvp ob tags oder nachts.
      no invi stuns, no hiding in porters and doing something to attract more people to do pvp
      no invi stuns merde baguette, ne pas porte de action et je ne sais pas

      thanks !
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)…lmvgWA?view_as=subscriber

    • AlbertoCoderIT wrote:

      Enraged wrote:

      Im not writing everything in eng again xd
      If you don't write it in english i'll have to remove the thread. So please do it :)
      SUCK IT GERMANS !!!!!
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)…lmvgWA?view_as=subscriber

    • Since i have some Free-Time and do respect someones work and dedication to actually do something about this fucked up way of playing right now i'll do the english translation ( of course translated by myself and not google or some shit like that).

      Be aware that i'll try to phrase it the way that the same message is translated and not only words. Here we go:

      So i have 4 Points ( from my perspective ), which would change some things:

      Point 1: Thematic is Invipotions, either they are removed entirely ( which would be the best choice ) or they are limited to classes like Priests only. OR, they as long as the user is invisible he/she can not use any Skills saidso they are only a tool to escape.

      Point 2: There allways, per fraction, a local Area which gives you an advantage. It is meant that way, that depending on the classes which are actually there in the fraction. Example: One Country has a lot more Archers ( which are stronger open field ) the other Country has more Mages ( which are stronger in tight alleys ). BoG unfortunatly only gives us the wide ( open area ), so it would be awesome to have a second battle, which is located more in alleys/not as wide areas. This is only one reason why it would be meaningfull.
      The other and more important reason is that most people are just bored most of the time, those who have all the need and dont want to do PvE anymore but PvP. Therefore it would be appropriated to bring up something new. Here my suggestion:

      An instanced map, best would be Highlands, clearly bound off by invisible walls, the shrines linked one to another by 2 paths ( alleys ).
      It could be held in two diffrent ways (because i think both would be a good option). Either like BoG at fixed times or as an registry ( open at all times ), each Country requireing for example 14 Players to register before it could begin. This ways also in the late evening or night when some are bored we could still have awesome PvP.

      Point 3: Do something against these Porterplays/Inviplays. Here a suggestion: Relocate the Porters in the Warzones, for example outside of TW let the central Porter vanish or be deactivated. Every Country starts each in the East or West and have from there to run on there own. While TW there are diffrent variations how it could be done, remove them entirely out of the fortresses,(or) place them simply that way that while pushing in there porter doesn't have to be pasted by so multiple groups hiding in the porter cant just overrush you out of porterinvi or simply remove the invitime after port.
      On this topic i'm not really sure which variant would be the best, therefore i'm asking you guys.
      Reasoning behind this is that you should never have an advantage out of Porterinvis.

      Point 4: Make PvP as a whole more attractive, here my suggestion: Therefore it doent matter which map is used or if it changes from day to day.
      I'll take Ardir as an example: from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. (not while TW tho) there are centain mobs running arround on the map which respawn after a certain time, which drop something cool and killing a Player from the other country gives you, at this time and on this map only, something special for example a currency which you need to craft special items ONLY awayable with this currency. This means on this map there would be 12 hours a day free PvP. Naturally there are other ways to accomplish all this but the fundamental Idea should be clear.

      Long story short: No invi stunns, no porterplays, enought PvP nonetheless it's day or night.

      Give it a shot and give your ideas, tell what would you think about these, maybe i am mistaken and you are all pleased by the way PvP is right now which i would find terribly sad tho if you are, then in my eyes 4Story isnt all about the unfair advantages you can gather but about the Teamplay in PvP. To perfect this and to tune your team to one another, creat tactics, have fun and to be able to tell yourself that you won because you are better and not only because in that moment you had an unfair advantage over your enemie.

      LG Happi

      And this should sum it up somehow. Some messages behind the sentences were kind of hard to translate so i hope noone's blaming me for that.

      Lastly i want to say, that i DO NOT, agree with everthing that is written here. I do think there are other possibilities / variants to get things better BUT i will post them below since this serves only the purpose of translation.

      Hope it helps ;)

    • Enraged wrote:

      I did write it brain afk, with the thought its for ancient compiler, totally forgott this is not a ger forum :D
      But my mate is translating it right now, im to lazy. cheers
      @AlbertoCoderIT i would like that the original post is written in english, and not someone who translate for him, so everyone can instantly see the idea without looking at the commennt =)
      I need to spamm for warlord forum that's why Im doing it pls no delete no bann

      ez warlord
    • Avenits wrote:

      Since i have some Free-Time and do respect someones work and dedication to actually do something about this fucked up way of playing right now i'll do the english translation ( of course translated by myself and not google or some shit like that).

      Be aware that i'll try to phrase it the way that the same message is translated and not only words. Here we go:

      So i have 4 Points ( from my perspective ), which would change some things:

      Point 1: Thematic is Invipotions, either they are removed entirely ( which would be the best choice ) or they are limited to classes like Priests only. OR, they as long as the user is invisible he/she can not use any Skills saidso they are only a tool to escape.

      Point 2: There allways, per fraction, a local Area which gives you an advantage. It is meant that way, that depending on the classes which are actually there in the fraction. Example: One Country has a lot more Archers ( which are stronger open field ) the other Country has more Mages ( which are stronger in tight alleys ). BoG unfortunatly only gives us the wide ( open area ), so it would be awesome to have a second battle, which is located more in alleys/not as wide areas. This is only one reason why it would be meaningfull.
      The other and more important reason is that most people are just bored most of the time, those who have all the need and dont want to do PvE anymore but PvP. Therefore it would be appropriated to bring up something new. Here my suggestion:

      An instanced map, best would be Highlands, clearly bound off by invisible walls, the shrines linked one to another by 2 paths ( alleys ).
      It could be held in two diffrent ways (because i think both would be a good option). Either like BoG at fixed times or as an registry ( open at all times ), each Country requireing for example 14 Players to register before it could begin. This ways also in the late evening or night when some are bored we could still have awesome PvP.

      Point 3: Do something against these Porterplays/Inviplays. Here a suggestion: Relocate the Porters in the Warzones, for example outside of TW let the central Porter vanish or be deactivated. Every Country starts each in the East or West and have from there to run on there own. While TW there are diffrent variations how it could be done, remove them entirely out of the fortresses,(or) place them simply that way that while pushing in there porter doesn't have to be pasted by so multiple groups hiding in the porter cant just overrush you out of porterinvi or simply remove the invitime after port.
      On this topic i'm not really sure which variant would be the best, therefore i'm asking you guys.
      Reasoning behind this is that you should never have an advantage out of Porterinvis.

      Point 4: Make PvP as a whole more attractive, here my suggestion: Therefore it doent matter which map is used or if it changes from day to day.
      I'll take Ardir as an example: from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. (not while TW tho) there are centain mobs running arround on the map which respawn after a certain time, which drop something cool and killing a Player from the other country gives you, at this time and on this map only, something special for example a currency which you need to craft special items ONLY awayable with this currency. This means on this map there would be 12 hours a day free PvP. Naturally there are other ways to accomplish all this but the fundamental Idea should be clear.

      Long story short: No invi stunns, no porterplays, enought PvP nonetheless it's day or night.

      Give it a shot and give your ideas, tell what would you think about these, maybe i am mistaken and you are all pleased by the way PvP is right now which i would find terribly sad tho if you are, then in my eyes 4Story isnt all about the unfair advantages you can gather but about the Teamplay in PvP. To perfect this and to tune your team to one another, creat tactics, have fun and to be able to tell yourself that you won because you are better and not only because in that moment you had an unfair advantage over your enemie.

      LG Happi

      And this should sum it up somehow. Some messages behind the sentences were kind of hard to translate so i hope noone's blaming me for that.

      Lastly i want to say, that i DO NOT, agree with everthing that is written here. I do think there are other possibilities / variants to get things better BUT i will post them below since this serves only the purpose of translation.

      Hope it helps ;)


      i agree with the end of shit pots (invi pots)
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)…lmvgWA?view_as=subscriber

    • AlbertoCoderIT wrote:

      Casher Fighter-Fallendy wrote:

      @AlbertoCoderIT i would like that the original post is written in english, and not someone who translate for him, so everyone can instantly see the idea without looking at the commennt =)
      That's fine. I just edited the main post.
      Yeeahh but maybe take my OWN statement out of it please :) May cause some confusion ^^ my own starts at " And this should sum it up somehow. "