Few of my ideas

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    • Few of my ideas

      Greetings to my game mates and staff !

      This are my few ideas for Ancient4story

      I. I want to share my idea of new events that I taught of :

      1. “Story composing” . I taught that every week , the GM can tell an in-game theme and players make up a story for it . The most voted story wins .

      2. “Keter/Malkut marathon” , players have to make one tour of the city , without pots/mount (maybe skills) , and first 3 who finish the distance are the winners.

      3. “Swimming event” . We choose a place with water , and make a swimming contest . First 3 players get a reward . My proposed place it's the port in Mirhur .

      4. “6/49 lottery” The GM thinks about 6 numbers every week , and when the event day comes , the players tell 1 pair of numbers to the GM . The one who tells the 6 numbers to the GM wins the prize . The prize will be made of what players contribute . Every player who wants to participate needs to put at least 10 Golds . This event can take place weekly .

      5. "Hill climbing" . The staffer who organizes the event will stay on the top of a hill/mountain , and the players , using Metamorphosis Potion , will climb the hill . The 3 players who first climb the hill will be rewarded . My proposed places are Ardir or Greba , there are a lot of mountains .

      II. I also have few ideas of what would I like to be added in-game :

      1.The Valorian/Derion cloacks , and the national cloacks (Romanian/Italy/France etc flags) . I would propose them to be sold via NPC at the selling price of a cloack , or to be traded for coins .

      2.The titles that a player can select (Quests/Money/Total Honor/Kill count etc).

      3.Players to be able to donate AP to their guild .

      4.Players to be able to receive experience after reaching level 90 , without being able to reach higher level than 90 . Why did I think of this ? Because maybe some players will make a new guild , so level 90 ones can help with experience also .

      5.We can add the Tarantula and Shadow of Pedatron mounts .

      6.A nice idea in my opinion would be adding effects for the costumes also (excepting the race ones) .

      7.I think it can be maybe useful to add an auction house in the international zone , so both Derios and Valorians can sell their goods to each other . I think that , maybe , after this , the players won't need to switch to a Derion account to search for something when they cannot find it in Valorian ,and vice versa .

      III.And , I have another idea to help the community : we can make a teaching system . I taught of making a list of players who are level 90 , well-know and not rule-breakers (the ones they wish , for sure) , and they will have the quest to introduce the newbies to the game . They will have to teach them things about leveling , making money , items , and to help our new mates to improve their skills and make the game more enjoyable . We can post the list of „teacher” players , with their in-game names on the forum and discord , so the players who are new can find them out and contact them .

      Thanks for your time taking a look on this . I may think of more ideas , and , for sure , sharing them with you .
    • Quattro wrote:

      III.And , I have another idea to help the community : we can make a teaching system . I taught of making a list of players who are level 90 , well-know and not rule-breakers (the ones they wish , for sure) , and they will have the quest to introduce the newbies to the game . They will have to teach them things about leveling , making money , items , and to help our new mates to improve their skills and make the game more enjoyable . We can post the list of „teacher” players , with their in-game names on the forum and discord , so the players who are new can find them out and contact them .
      i vote for @Casher Fighter-Fallendy to be a teacher
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)


    • elgrekko#2 wrote:

      Laerze wrote:

      Country cloaks are for special events.
      Good luck with getting ppl to run from keter to market and vice versa , too lazy for that xd
      The race was not meant from Keter to Markut. For valorians a circle in Keter and for derions a circle in Markut I guess :D
      even that , I wanna race with my pink horse
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)
