Night Walker Balancing

    • Night Walker Balancing

      Hello forum,

      we all know about the balancing in 4story but the Night Walker is the class with the greatest disadvantages.
      I´m gonna show you why:

      1. Mana problems

      One of the main struggles of the Night Walker are incredible mana problems.
      With Invisible on 3/3 (Mana costs 1% per second) you are able to stay invisible for 100 seconds.
      Too bad for a class with high mana consumption, without using CS-drinks u can forget about chasing and catching an enemy if his defensive is not low.
      If you are able to catch him, what relates to the next upcoming problem.

      2. Speed + Mount Bug

      The top speed a Night Walker can reach is 150% with Pendatron´s Blessing. This effect disappears after 20 seconds (3/3) and needs 90 seconds to refresh.
      In the other hand a Mount has 175% of speed, it´s nearly impossible to ambuscade people. They will just ride away and u have no chance to come within reach.
      If your Surprise Attack skill hits the target it might also happen (Very high chance) that the enemy is stunned but still able to ride away on his mount. How easy and comfortable.

      3. Mass PVP

      The Night Walker also has big problems to attend mass PVP.
      While every class except Warrior is able to stay out of range and causing damage with AOE the Night Walker has to dare suicidal actions to get involved.
      Fear is the only option to do a high stun on and enemy group but needs close range. Included the high damage you will get if u try and the upcoming mana problems it´s nearly impossible to attend fights.

      4. Miss + Blessing

      We all know this feeling when an ability misses. Its annoying. The Night Walker has the most stuns and a very high miss rate.
      I battled some Night Walkers and arranged to stop the fight if an ability misses the target. The record was around 7 times restart, till no ability misses and the battle ended.
      I also can talk about the experience that skills are just like swallowed. There is no miss no sign but the enemy just continues as nothing happened and kills you.
      All what stays are question marks. With blessing of the wind the horror still increases. You stuns miss the target and the high damage reflection could kill you without getting hitted from the enemy.
      Fighting a buffed archer is combined with a high risk to get killed. No because of the skill, just because of the risk to miss everything and maybe suiciding from the own abilities.
      While u need 10s+ to kill him with the same eq he is able to blind and debuff you and needs maybe 5s with high burst damage.

      5. Invisible+ Surprise Attack

      And again. Why are you forced to stay still while trying to get invisible? This is such a high disadvantage and makes you very easy catchable for enemys
      Even while using Pendatron´s Coat guys are able to shoot away the ability if the timing is in the right way. This shouldn´t be possible.
      You should also be able to use the Surprise Attack while running it still needs long time to cast and can create a high distance between you and the target
      which is the death sentence in many cases.

      6. Teleport (Thx to Asera)

      It feels really weird dealing with the knowledge that you are unable to use the Teleport on a running target.
      The effect will be that u reach the area the target has been a second ago , it´s kinda useless. It´s just effective when an enemy stays still or is unable to move.

      I´m sure I forgot about some points but those were the most important in my eyes.
      Finally you can say the Night Walker has high disadvantages comparing to the other classes. It´s very hard to enjoy the class under these conditions.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Northrez ().

    • Yeah that mount bug is really weird, I had it happen to me really often that people just kept going when I tried to surprise-stun them, this is especially annoying if your target is an archer, who gets just as far away to unstun himself and instantly blinds you.
      (I am not sure how it works, they keep going for another second or two and then all of a sudden they stop and are stunned, although the stun was applied over the whole process.)

      Also overcast is a heavy problem, or should I say another bug that often happens on surprise attack and can easily get you killed if you are up against a mage for example .

      Sometimes you feel like fighting your own class rather than the enemy...

      Also the teleport from NW feels really weird, if the target is walking forwards you have no chance to reach him with that ability, even if you cancel the animation.
      16.1: In the forum it is only allowed to write English.


      The post was edited 2 times, last by Asera ().

    • I feel you!!!
      Combo atack is more than useless atm, it takes ages to cast and if you move it canccels
      I dont even have it in the skillbar... i would strongly support the idea of patching it to be able to be performed out of movement along with the surprising attack.
      Skills like Auto hit, silent hit etc which are currently able to be used out of the movement are also very slow and dont deal enough dmg to kill someone in a short amount of time... so tell me how i should kill someone i catched in mass pvp by needing around 10 seconds to make enouhh dmg and dont get stunned or get 5 archers hits with 1500dmg each in 2secs by one archer? xD

      I think the differnce of the time and dmg output between the classes is to high...

      As assa u get like poison 1hit, authit in 2 seconds so its around 2k dmg depending on the enemie while moving and while standing with the 200% hit and posion maybe 3-4k but still hard while standing in the enemies mass ‍♂️

      archer got 5 arrows in 2 seconds with lets say 1k per hit to be fair so we are at 5k (all out of the movement) (no Aoe included)

      Mage can deal 3 hits in the 2 seconds if he is skilled and knows how to... and here we are also at atleast 5k dmg depending on rod (no Aoe included)

      I would also suggest that the movement speed gets increased when the nightwalker is invisible like the warrior in deff mode!
      Thus would also support the agility of the nighwalker and along with the change of the combo and the surprising attack to be able to be performed out of movement the assa would come a huge step into a balanced game

      Also i would love to have like 5 skillpoints more ☺️
    • Luna wrote:

      Assa got 1,07 sec auto cd with 11 speed claw and 0,9 auto cd with 11 speed swords
      and Warrior got 0,6 sec auto WITHOUT AND WITH SPEED you can make a axe just without any bonies and still got 0,6 cd on auto

      in which world is that fair?
      is this actually true? omg i didnt know this wtf
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)…lmvgWA?view_as=subscriber