Evocator support skills

    • Evocator support skills

      Hey guys,

      there is this one evocator skill wich has so much potential to be a rly nice support skill during pvp !!

      Im sorry for the german screenshot :D
      Its the crystal from evo wich pushes ure evade and resistance..
      What would be so nice, if this skill would have a bigger radius , or could also push ure defence a bit or small life regeneration?
      of course if u push this skill u can make a bigger cool down or sth like that but it would be a nice skill in mass pvp and also rly usefull..
      And i know it maybe sounds too op but atleast we could maybe increase the radius.. i feel kind of sad if i see skills wich could be so usefull and no one use it :D

      What do u guys think :)?
      All spelling and grammatical mistakes are intentional :!:
      Visit my 4Ancient Youtube channel :)