4Ancient verbesserungs ideen

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    • 4Ancient verbesserungs ideen

      Guten Tag, ich habe mir ein paar gedanken darüber gemacht welche Ideen ich hätte für den
      Patch 1.8.
      Dieser enthält folgende Punkte:
      - Balancing für Klassen
      - Update des Cashshops

      Balancing der Klassen:
      Punkt 1:
      In erster Linie fällt auf, dass Klassen welche die ,, Helfende hand haben'' im Vorteil sind
      wenn es um das Thema ( Dungeon 75 Farmen geht). Diese können die Dungon mit hoher
      Wahrscheinlichkeit nach 12 Minuten verlassen. Krieger / Schattenläufer / Beschwörer
      sind von diesem Privileg leider jedoch ausgeschloßen und müssen daher 60 Minuten warten.
      Vorschlag: Den Eingangsporter in der Ini 75 fixxen oder einen NPC neben den Porter stellen, welche es ermöglicht Items zu verkaufen.
      Punkt 2:
      Die Klassen Beschwörer und Schattenläufer sind recht wenig auf dem Server vertreten, mein
      Vorschlag wäre diese zu buffen.

      Beschwörer Update vorschlag:
      Buff des Gefährten (der Gefährte sollte dem Beschwörer länger erhalten bleiben und daher 30% mehr Leben erhalten)
      Gottgeist: Die Lava Säule des Gottgeist sollte auf 250% DMG erhöht werden.
      Verdunkelter: Der Schlachtruf des Verdunkelten sollte 5% mehr DMG machen.

      Schattenläufer Update vorschlag:
      Die Fähigkeit Vergiften könnte um 10% DMG verbessert werden (um den Char z.B für das Farmen / PVE attraktiver zu machen.

      Update des Cashshop:
      Das 4Ancient Team sollte den Casshop überdenken. Klar wollen sie keinen Pay2Win Server haben. Aber sind wir ehrlich, wenn der Cashshop nichts bringt dann investieren Spieler lieber in andere Optionen Geld um schnell in 4Ancient an EQ zu kommen.

      Wäre dankbar wenn jemand diesen Thread auf das Englische übersetzt.
      Mein Buisness ist Disneyland.
    • Mickey Mouse wrote:

      Patch 1.8.
      This contains the following points:
      - Balancing for classes
      - Cashshop update

      Balancing the classes:
      Point 1:
      First and foremost, that's the "helping hand"
      when it comes to the subject (Dungeon 75 farms). These can be the Dungon with high
      Leave chance after 12 minutes. Warrior / Shadowrunner / Summoner
      Unfortunately, they are excluded from this privilege and therefore have to wait 60 minutes.
      Suggestion: Fixx the entrance porter in the Ini 75 or put it to NPC next to the porter, which makes it possible to sell items.
      Point 2:
      The Summoner and Shadowlider classes are a little on the server, my
      Suggestion would be to buff this.

      Summoner Update Suggestion:
      Buff of the Companion (the companion should stay longer for 30% more life)
      God Spirit: The Lava Pillar of the Spirit should be increased to 250% DMG.
      Darkened: The battle cry of the Darkened should make 5% more DMG.

      Shadow Runner Update suggestion:
      The poisons ability could be improved by 10% DMG (to make the charmer more attractive for farming / PVE, for example).

      Update of the Cashshop:
      The 4Ancient team should rethink the casshop. Of course they do not want to have a Pay2Win server. But let's face it, players prefer to invest in other options to get into EQ quickly in 4Ancient.

      Would you like to read this thread to German.
      Who really cares about pve man? Buffing classes is not done based on how they do in pve xddd. You can always make a mage and farm with it xD.

      (google chrome when u right click the page has a Translate option luckily).
    • xHunter wrote:

      Mickey Mouse wrote:

      Patch 1.8.
      This contains the following points:
      - Balancing for classes
      - Cashshop update

      Balancing the classes:
      Point 1:
      First and foremost, that's the "helping hand"
      when it comes to the subject (Dungeon 75 farms). These can be the Dungon with high
      Leave chance after 12 minutes. Warrior / Shadowrunner / Summoner
      Unfortunately, they are excluded from this privilege and therefore have to wait 60 minutes.
      Suggestion: Fixx the entrance porter in the Ini 75 or put it to NPC next to the porter, which makes it possible to sell items.
      Point 2:
      The Summoner and Shadowlider classes are a little on the server, my
      Suggestion would be to buff this.

      Summoner Update Suggestion:
      Buff of the Companion (the companion should stay longer for 30% more life)
      God Spirit: The Lava Pillar of the Spirit should be increased to 250% DMG.
      Darkened: The battle cry of the Darkened should make 5% more DMG.

      Shadow Runner Update suggestion:
      The poisons ability could be improved by 10% DMG (to make the charmer more attractive for farming / PVE, for example).

      Update of the Cashshop:
      The 4Ancient team should rethink the casshop. Of course they do not want to have a Pay2Win server. But let's face it, players prefer to invest in other options to get into EQ quickly in 4Ancient.

      Would you like to read this thread to German.
      Who really cares about pve man? Buffing classes is not done based on how they do in pve xddd. You can always make a mage and farm with it xD.
      (google chrome when u right click the page has a Translate option luckily).
      farming with nw is not a problem at all lol I've done it with swords +21 , PvP claws +21 and +22 , no problems whatsoever
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)
