Patch 1.7.8 - Modernization, Base for 1.8, Tests

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    • Uncas23 wrote:

      Yes, I find it still a bit too strict. It says "2 per sec" which means 2 clicks per second I guess. A normal human player can click a button 7 times per sec without a problem. According to my clicker heroes gameplay. :D
      The 2 means 2 abused clicks. Up to 2 are allowed. When doing more than 8 clicks per second AND having 2 or more abused clicks it'll punish you with an extra cd. Or when you have more than 23 clicks at all per second it'll also punish with an extra cd. The debug messages are currently telling you when a punishment has been created. Only when it applies the cd you got punished
    • xHunter wrote:

      Dueled again an archer to test this amazing patch and all i can say is that now the archer duels are the funniest, 2 bots that look at each other. We COULDN'T EVEN FUCKING USE A SKILL. So we started dueling nice nice, we started shooting, first arrow went nice then a magical bug appeared and we couldn't shoot anymore :oo. After you use the dodge skill, same thing happens, 10seconds unable to use a fucking skill, except autoatack. (for example the oponent shoots flash, u dodge and after that you aren't able to use any skill, not even flash LUL, nice feature > this was a situation that really happend in our duels so what i say is 100% legit and true).

      This thing happens even when you aren't trying to abb and just shot each skill one by one. And even when i try to abb i can't shoot more than 3 arrows, sometimes not even 3 because the skills just BLOCK AND EVEN THO I PRESS THEM MY CHARACTER REFUSES TO SHOOT.

      Now GMS tell me how this is supposed to be a MACRO FIX - ofc when u think about it, it actually stops the usage of macro because u can't even shoot with or without macro so yea LMAO.

      Now imagine what i said above in a mass pvp situation => Archer, before damage dealer - now new support class, only debuff+throw+flash+weapon break.

      Abb still works like before, just train. Macro just dont work now, but with hand still like before. Besser ?
    • profiangler wrote:

      xHunter wrote:

      Dueled again an archer to test this amazing patch and all i can say is that now the archer duels are the funniest, 2 bots that look at each other. We COULDN'T EVEN FUCKING USE A SKILL. So we started dueling nice nice, we started shooting, first arrow went nice then a magical bug appeared and we couldn't shoot anymore :oo. After you use the dodge skill, same thing happens, 10seconds unable to use a fucking skill, except autoatack. (for example the oponent shoots flash, u dodge and after that you aren't able to use any skill, not even flash LUL, nice feature > this was a situation that really happend in our duels so what i say is 100% legit and true).

      This thing happens even when you aren't trying to abb and just shot each skill one by one. And even when i try to abb i can't shoot more than 3 arrows, sometimes not even 3 because the skills just BLOCK AND EVEN THO I PRESS THEM MY CHARACTER REFUSES TO SHOOT.

      Now GMS tell me how this is supposed to be a MACRO FIX - ofc when u think about it, it actually stops the usage of macro because u can't even shoot with or without macro so yea LMAO.

      Now imagine what i said above in a mass pvp situation => Archer, before damage dealer - now new support class, only debuff+throw+flash+weapon break.
      Abb still works like before, just train. Macro just dont work now, but with hand still like before. Besser ?
      At that time, before the last night's update was very bad, so if u don't know shit don't post just for +1.
    • So i still didn't understand if this debug message should appear everytime i use a skill, even buffs.
      After a relog, just dodging and using the "Volley" skill around markut triggers this thing.

      About crashes, in 30mins i already got 4 crashes.
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      The post was edited 2 times, last by xHunter ().

    • This kind of message should appear too?

      The Hide Audience option is really good in duels (it still renders the ppl on horses tho) but in arena it renders the other kingdom's players, if this can be fixed would be great.

      The game feels smoother but slower, dodge for example is noticeable, or even just moving around.
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      The post was edited 3 times, last by xHunter ().

    • Ich habe jetzt 3x in Markut ein Game Crash bekommen nur beim herum laufen. BOG bekomme ich dauernd DEBUG Meldungen und Hits kommen dadurch nicht raus
      (Nein ich habe kein Macro benutzt und habe nicht versucht einen ABB zu starten). Ich bekomme selbst im MHQ DEBUG Meldungen wenn ich als Bogi mein Speedskill verwenden will.
      Auch wenn es eine Testphase ist: Ich kann bitte nicht einen Patch raus bringen der den Bogi in seiner klasse so massiv beeinträchtigt das Leute kein Bock mehr haben auf so etwas haben.
      Bitte tut euch und vor allem uns den gefallen und haut den crap raus.

      Ich schätze eure Arbeit sehr und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen wie intensiv und zeitaufwendig sowas sein muss, deshalb zieh ich den Hut vor euch. Aber mit dem habt ihr euch sowas von ins Knie geschossen.

      Sorry das es auf Deutsch ist, allerdings auf English könnte ich es nie so formulieren wie ich es auf Deutsch gerne hätte.
    • Uncas23 wrote:

      The hide audience in arena option doesn't hide:
      1. People who you have previously dueled
      2. Mounts
      3. People on mounts
      + ppl from the other kingdom can be seen.

      profiangler wrote:

      I dont know why you all got these problems. For my part everything is working good, dont got any of these problems. Shoots coming out normally, with or without abb. Im happy to see that this sv try to do something vs macro users. Seems to be a good patch oO
      Because of ppl like u that probably barely shoot 2-3arrows/sec they will think that the patch in this moment is ok.

      When you fast abb/spam the skills sometimes the message from above triggers and it slows my skills down (sometimes even blocks the skills) and i won't start to abb slower (and i'm not even talking about tryhard abb) just because of a bug, is a lot better than yesterday but still not good enough to be implemented as it is in this moment. I'm pretty sure that i tested this thing a lot more than u.

      Edit: the game feels really slow now, even when using the speed skill seems like it would be only 1/3 and the slower movement affects the dodge too.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by xHunter ().

    • xHunter wrote:

      It seems to work better now. Good job.

      Still got this message after some tries, abbing at full speed xd \/. After the message showed up the abb became slower, skills having a little delay. After playing like this, with the messages showing up i couldn't use again the skills sometimes, probably need to relog.
      Very nice informations for Resu.@

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Chryssy ().

    • xHunter wrote:

      Uncas23 wrote:

      The hide audience in arena option doesn't hide:
      1. People who you have previously dueled
      2. Mounts
      3. People on mounts
      + ppl from the other kingdom can be seen.

      profiangler wrote:

      I dont know why you all got these problems. For my part everything is working good, dont got any of these problems. Shoots coming out normally, with or without abb. Im happy to see that this sv try to do something vs macro users. Seems to be a good patch oO
      Because of ppl like u that probably barely shoot 2-3arrows/sec they will think that the patch in this moment is ok.
      When you fast abb/spam the skills sometimes the message from above triggers and it slows my skills down (sometimes even blocks the skills) and i won't start to abb slower (and i'm not even talking about tryhard abb) just because of a bug, is a lot better than yesterday but still not good enough to be implemented as it is in this moment. I'm pretty sure that i tested this thing a lot more than u.

      Edit: the game feels really slow now, even when using the speed skill seems like it would be only 1/3 and the slower movement affects the dodge too.
      I don't know. Maybe the debug message is bugged. Because after some time it comes up for literally every skill I use. I spam it, it comes up, I click once and it still comes up. But it doesn't block anything.
    • Uncas23 wrote:

      xHunter wrote:

      Uncas23 wrote:

      The hide audience in arena option doesn't hide:
      1. People who you have previously dueled
      2. Mounts
      3. People on mounts
      + ppl from the other kingdom can be seen.

      profiangler wrote:

      I dont know why you all got these problems. For my part everything is working good, dont got any of these problems. Shoots coming out normally, with or without abb. Im happy to see that this sv try to do something vs macro users. Seems to be a good patch oO
      Because of ppl like u that probably barely shoot 2-3arrows/sec they will think that the patch in this moment is ok.When you fast abb/spam the skills sometimes the message from above triggers and it slows my skills down (sometimes even blocks the skills) and i won't start to abb slower (and i'm not even talking about tryhard abb) just because of a bug, is a lot better than yesterday but still not good enough to be implemented as it is in this moment. I'm pretty sure that i tested this thing a lot more than u.

      Edit: the game feels really slow now, even when using the speed skill seems like it would be only 1/3 and the slower movement affects the dodge too.
      I don't know. Maybe the debug message is bugged. Because after some time it comes up for literally every skill I use. I spam it, it comes up, I click once and it still comes up. But it doesn't block anything.
      I don't talk about that line that appears with every skill, i say about this.
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    • So even when i try to shoot without abbing sometimes this message appears and sometimes i can't even shoot for seconds. Its annoying af.

      Idk what happend or what u edited but for me and others its moving slower after this patch, is smoother but slower, it can be seen from the character's movement and this fucks up the animation cancel of the dodge, is rly fking annoying to get used to something and then to need to adapt to a noob-style gameplay.

      Spamming S + skills is what abb means, how can i abb if when i try to do it fast, like i am used to i get a penalty, and instead of abbing faster i block my skills. Give the archer's damage back and remove the abb if this shit can't be fixed...i'm not really for the removing of the abb myself too but imo is better than having an bugged anti-macro system...

      I have to say tho that not everytime this thing appears, is really random sometimes and i actually had some flawless abb tries in my testings. This thing happens more in mass pvp and my guess is that there you are more under pressure and u spam more the keys.

      Not trying to be rude but this is annoying & frustrating af. This is just a feedback afterall.

      Edit: Added another screenshot - after i triggered this message, abbing, i couldn't dodge for atleast 5seconds.
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      The post was edited 1 time, last by xHunter ().