Users4,019Newest membercover61Attachments874Storage used by attachments339.75 MBInstall dateJul 15th 2017Active Users10Users per day1.45Attachments per day0.32Visits16,951,924Views43,834,576Posts22,990Threads2,663Posts per day8.3Threads per day0.96Activity points #1 SlaveToTheRhythm 10,927 #2 Casher Fighter-Fallendy 7,044 #3 Laerze 5,795 #4 AncientCompiler 5,432 #5 iomatix 5,219 #6 Fearu 4,236 #7 SwiperDE 3,990 #8 Deanerys 3,728 #9 Coccolino 3,664 #10 Yoda 3,512 Profile hits #1 SlaveToTheRhythm 5,598 #2 AncientCompiler 5,355 #3 Casher Fighter-Fallendy 2,424 #4 Vegito 1,975 #5 Deanerys 1,741 #6 Fearu 1,272 #7 AlbertoCoderIT 1,211 #8 Greg 1,210 #9 SwiperDE 1,196 #10 RATTENROLAND 1,184 Comments posted #1 Fearu 112 #2 Casher Fighter-Fallendy 104 #3 SlaveToTheRhythm 74 #4 Yoda 55 #5 Greg 46 #6 RATTENROLAND 41 #7 Bubble 39 #8 Burn 36 #9 Coccolino 36 #10 Deanerys 32 Wall comments #1 AncientCompiler 64 #2 Vegito 57 #3 RATTENROLAND 51 #4 Deanerys 50 #5 SlaveToTheRhythm 47 #6 Burn 47 #7 Greg 46 #8 Casher Fighter-Fallendy 46 #9 Fearu 38 #10 SwiperDE 34 -
Activity Point Breakdown
Likes Received #1 SlaveToTheRhythm 2,802 #2 AncientCompiler 1,132 #3 Coccolino 1,089 #4 Fearu 1,076 #5 Laerze 970 #6 iomatix 954 #7 Casher Fighter-Fallendy 899 #8 Deanerys 818 #9 Yoda 792 #10 Resu 786 -
Page Views
Visits #1 Dashboard 8,319,267 #2 Tags 2,572,560 #3 Thread 2,314,141 #4 Board 2,252,922 #5 Gallery 1,476,122 #6 Attachment 174,501 #7 Statistics 142,076 #8 ChangelogInfo 130,539 #9 Image 95,388 #10 Changelog 94,216 Views #1 Thread 17,476,691 #2 Dashboard 9,238,998 #3 Board 7,147,456 #4 Tags 4,270,183 #5 Statistics 1,846,089 #6 Gallery 1,521,205 #7 Attachment 558,482 #8 Search Result 381,604 #9 Image 360,183 #10 User 294,190 Monthly Visits #1 Board 562,805 #2 Tags 116,058 #3 Thread 70,693 #4 Dashboard 13,932 #5 Gallery 9,115 #6 Statistics 7,966 #7 Changelog 6,770 #8 LegalNotice 6,562 #9 PrivacyPolicy 6,400 #10 CookiePolicy 6,198 Monthly Views #1 Board 632,577 #2 Thread 290,200 #3 Tags 129,583 #4 Statistics 39,324 #5 Dashboard 16,078 #6 Gallery 9,147 #7 Changelog 6,962 #8 Image 6,867 #9 LegalNotice 6,581 #10 PrivacyPolicy 6,414 -
Monthly History
Downloaded attachments #1 Lilith.png 8,276 #2 BIERRADGO.jpg 5,430 #3 table.png 5,403 #4 4APokemons.png 5,078 #5 GetReadyToTheBeach.png 4,338 #6 lmao.png 3,497 #7 Summer Creatures.png 3,274 #8 Leya.png 3,209 #9 In the name of the gods.png 2,705 #10 Pergamen.png 2,660 Tags used #1 Bug 47 #2 4Ancient 33 #3 trade 27 #4 4Ancient 25 #5 pvp 24 #6 Christmas 23 #7 event 20 #8 Youtube 18 #9 guide 18 #10 pvp 15 Smileys #1 860 #2 550 #3 480 #4 297 #5 216 #6 192 #7 187 #8 126 #9 120 #10 119