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  • du lümmel pssst erst hart flamen und dann herz oder was lol

  • ImAPhoenix ist geistig auf dem selben level wie fallendie

  • ded cstm

  • Real world trading

    profiangler - - Tavern


    Proov it Btw verkaufe alten kühlschrank mein neuer kam vor paar wochen

  • Bad optimization

    profiangler - - Feedback


    EDITED BY AlbertoCoder No insults. Warned.

  • Bad optimization

    profiangler - - Feedback


    same problem with i7 and 1060gtx. On any other server I got 150-300fps except on ancient, where it is max 60fps if no player stands next to you.

  • Anna aka chryssy

  • Quality Dank Memes

    profiangler - - Artwork


    Quote from Laerze: “Quote from profiangler: “Yep +1 admanan Laerze zählt zu den 99% ” if you are gonna talk about me say it in english lil bitch I'm not gonna bother translating that shit ” lul and u think i care about what u say? pls if u want to know what i wrote, use google it just takes 2sec to check lol but u die in 2sec so i can understand that ure angry so its ok. why you actually talking ure nothing 0 skill but screaming like a baby in forum lul better use that time to learn how this gam…

  • Quality Dank Memes

    profiangler - - Artwork


    Yep +1 admanan Laerze zählt zu den 99%

  • Skill disappearance

    profiangler - - Bugstory


    Have fun in waiting for days/weeks to get an answer/help

  • Admanan das ist leider auch für mich unverständlich. Aber leider ist das nicht der einzige punkt, der unverständlich ist. Was noch viel unverständlicher ist, dass ImAPhoenix aka Fallengay versucht hier im Forum einen auf undercover zu machen.

  • Quote from ImAphoenix: “Quote from profiangler: “Just fact ” fact is you are bad + big ego ” ok phoenix aka fallendie better be hyped for patch 1.7 lol haHAA why you cross my conversation to the best archer "NuceyDaaK1ng" ? your parents didnt teach u when 2 people talk, the 3rd should be quiet? you arent event part of this conversation. I thought i already flamed u to the ground but ure still here whyyyy

  • Just fact

  • Patch 1.7 ?

    profiangler - - News and Updates


    Gosh check the date wtf it was posted in february. Ur mentally down? Or just the first time where u visit a forum? Just askin

  • Quote from Shiraella: “ powerful. ” powirful1

  • Quote from AlbertoCoderIT: “Quote from profiangler: “ ” ” Quote from Nucey: “- I was playing tourn vs 1337index, bug abuser, 3 admins on the stands and nothing, gratz? Ofc in second round <Destroyer vs 1337buger> Again, you did nothing, and he lost. And nice anty-macro system xD:). You cant make a good abb with 2 hands on keyboard, CUS ITS A MACRO ON THIS SERVER HEYHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FEARUUUUUUU TOP 1 WORLD CHAMPION ” You just suck thats all, abb is still easy …

  • Quote from AlbertoCoderIT: “Quote from Nucey: “ ” Quote from profiangler: “What u expect from a sv where gm‘s/admin‘s doesnt even play active? ” All GMs and TGMs are active on the server as players Most of us don't have the same name for obvious reasons. Just because you don't see us in chat, doesn't mean we're not online Quote from ImAphoenix: “ ” ” yeah thats even more sad because when u are all online why you dont change those little problems what exist over months/years? That just shows how …

  • Quote from SwiperDE: “Quote from profiangler: “What u expect from a sv where gm‘s/admin‘s doesnt even play active? From a owner who thinks to use the old engine (where u have max 50fps with i7 and 1060gti) because its oldschool with low fps so u need the same feeling. Dude its about the performance of the game not about old feeling what u get with low fps lol. Tell me who like to play like that? Every other server, Old or newschoolpatch, is using the new engine. Why isnt it possible here? So man…

  • What u expect from a sv where gm‘s/admin‘s doesnt even play active? From a owner who thinks to use the old engine (where u have max 50fps with i7 and 1060gti) because its oldschool with low fps so u need the same feeling. Dude its about the performance of the game not about old feeling what u get with low fps lol. Tell me who like to play like that? Every other server, Old or newschoolpatch, is using the new engine. Why isnt it possible here? So many people stopped of this fact, and it wont be t…

  • Deanerys.

    profiangler - - Tavern

