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  • Hello! Mostly I agree with the previous reply. Space-time dungeons will give you multiple lvl up (around 6-8 lvls) so you should focus on it. Remember to always have your experience chocolate and quest x1,5 up - you can buy both in cash store for bonus points (you receive them from mobs loot and for lvling up). If I didn't have appropriate lvl to start prequests for another dungeon after finishing the previous one, I was doing signs quests just to get _9 lvl. Quest experience on this server is b…

  • [feedback] Battle of Glory

    Dyslexie - - Feedback


    Hello everyone! I've started my adventure here about one month ago. I've reached 90 lvl easily, participated in some territory and doc80 wars and Battle of Gebra. I like pvps, I'm a proponent of equal battles, which gives me so much fun but unfortunately does not occur very often. After taking part in some BoG battles, I would like to share my idea to make it more fair for both sides. As I have noticed, latterly Valorians are the leading kingdom and often have preponderance. The situation become…