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PostAddons/Changes Fixes
4Ancient Ruleset
PostRule added: -18.8: Those who sign up for the monthly tournament MUST compete and fight in the respective rounds.
Howdy valued community! Every year Iberia gets colder. Snow is falling down and we all know what's coming! Christmas! We wish you a Happy Christmas and we thank you for playing here on 4Ancient making it the biggest Server! V1mjMrcPOKK63rk3TjXMa32227hZwspipsjLqR29FSKZQJDtBPGUXITDutViTo-2_54tPGbA3Fuc3Vg1QEBDS78Wk36dwlfoB9etgd2TehUUKdOo4QmF3vc8sqqR6xQqQmt6Fz8z8gw RATE EVENTS: 21.12 - 03.01 06:01 - 23:59 +100% Experience 06:01 - 23:59 +50% Quest Experience 02:01 - 23:59 +30% Moonstones 21.12 - Tues…
Christmas Quest line
PostChristmas Questline: The questline starts in Tejou at "Rudi". The minimum level is 80. Fish from the momans: Quest Accept NPC: Rudi, Quest Complete NPC: Rudi Summary: Steal 8 fish from Moman fisherman at Merata Lake. Luring the yetis: Quest Accept NPC: Rudi, Quest Complete NPC: Rudi Summary: Go to the cave at Merata Lake and try to lure the yetis with the fish smell. Hint: Run in the direction of the dungeon. Meeting with the spy: Quest Accept NPC: Rudi, Quest Complete NPC: Cordo Summary: Go to …
4Ancient Ruleset
PostThe following rules have been changed: -1.10: Spreding, using, or trying to reproduce any kind of bug will be punished harshly. Based on the bug spread/used/tried to reproduce, the ban can go from 3 days up to a PC-Ban. Changes to -1.10: Spreding, using, or trying to reproduce any kind of bug will be punished harshly. Based on the bug spread/used/tried to reproduce, the ban can go from 7 days up to a PC-Ban. -2.7: Trading/Selling 4Ancient accounts is not allowed. You can't trade your account for…
4Ancient Ruleset
PostThe following rule has been changed: 18.5: -18.5: Shared accounts are no longer allowed to participate in tournaments. If in the last 30 days there are more than 5 logins from a different person on your account, you won't be eligible to play the upcoming tournament anymore. Applying anyway will lead to a ban of 30 Days, as it will be considered as "letting someone else play on your account". If it's clear that the real account owner is playing the tournament this rule does not apply. (The Team w…
4Ancient Ruleset
PostDue to massive trolling, the following rule has been added back to the game: -1.11: It is not allowed to block portals in any way (mounts, shops etc). Ban duration can go from 1 day to 7 days if the player is recidive. As of 03/23/2021 0:00, the rule will go into effect.
The transfers from Derion --> Valorian is now open! The minimum requirements to be transferred are: - Being level 90. - Not being in TOP 16 (Overall) ranking. - Have at least 3000 Monthly Honor. - Have at least +18/19 equipment on your main character. How to request a transfer? - Leave Guild (with all characters on the account) - Abort all active quests (with all characters on the account) - Contact us via Ticket. Notices - All characters on the account get transferred - Only a limited number of…
Quote from RATTENROLAND: “Am heutigen Tage wollte ich mich wieder einloggen um wieder ein mal die Keule zu schwingen, da sich in den vergangenen inaktiven Jahren mächtig Hüftgold durch legendäre Saufereien angestaut hat. Jedoch ist es mir nicht möglich mich einzuloggen, da ich keine E-Mail geschickt bekomme um den Code beim einloggen einzugeben HELFT MIR IHR FRÜHRENTNER ” Erstell ein Ticket und frag ob die EMail geändert werden kann
4Ancient Ruleset
PostThe following rule has been removed: -1.11: It is not allowed to block portals in any way (mounts, shops etc). Ban duration can go from 1 day to 7 days if the player is recidive.
Howdy valued community! After you have had 25 hours to vote for your favorite cloaks it is now time to announce the winners. First of all, we would like to thank everyone who took the time and effort to create their own unique cloak. There were some really great cloaks! Now we come to the winners: 1st place: lemmesitonyou - 2500 Moonstones + 3000 Bonuspoints, congratulations! 2nd place: Sh0tbreaker - 1250 Moonstones + 1500 Bonuspoints, congratulations! 3rd place: DerKaiser - 750 Moonstones, cong…
Howdy valued community! Have you ever dreamed about a cloak with your unique design on it? So use the chance that this event does offer and create your unique cloak! All you've to do is downloading the deep_blue_cloak.png from the "cloak-event" channel on our discord ( ) and edit your design on it with some graphic editing tool like Paint, Gimp, Photoshop... You can also color it and so on. Be creative. To participate you have to send your cloak(s) to @[CM]Swiper (DE)…
Quote from Synlar: “If the answer is somewhere else, I apologize; I have searched and searched and cannot find it. What are the Ancient Coin items for and how do I use them. I have found limited answers, but none of them are very direct and I can't seem to make them apply. If someone could walk me through their use, especially with screenshots, that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance for any and all assistance with this. ” Hello Synlar, you can use AncientCoins to buy various items: tm2uTb…