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Postwelcome to 4a
Postciao alberto, bentornato 100.gif
Nw and evocator bug
PostI'll add another one. it is possible to have the pet perform the skills even if the pet is under the skill of the "block ability"
ok, agree
The first game was unbalanced in favor of the archers and I have never read anyone complaining about this. Now that the wars do not throw them out easy, now that the wizards can survive after an abb, all the archers have poured into the forum pouring liters and liters of tears. Now that the game has been changed, open the sky, it seems that the archers are just to throw ... when he knows very well that they are still most of the characters on the game. I still can not understand why most of the …
right for an aesthetic factor?
If the damage of the wizards has always remained the same because you are complaining only now? ...maybe just because you do not trishot them anymore? thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png thumbdown.png…