Changes, Addons & Bugfixes - 3v3 Arena, Iberian Peace Zone and more

General Information
Product name
Creation date
Created by
Description Item related changes
-Added a new item called "Invisible Cloak"

*This item can be bought in cashshop(in 1 day)
-The item for changing your haircut was changed due to add the new haircuts
-"Iverian Ender" is now tradeable (needs to be sealed)
-"Sweet Death" Claws 36 pref were added to the Epic Weapon Trader shop's

-The chance from 11/12/13/14 was increased a bit

Cash/Bonus - Shop
-Invisible Cloak was added to the shop(Can be bought starting with 01.01.2017)

-Snow was removed from the game (The christmas npc's will be removed over the night)
-The upgrade gauge is faster now (Earlier 8 seconds Now 4 seconds)
-All passwords (website & game) are stored in MD5 now! For more security
-The UMID ban system was renewed (All PC Bans were canceled)
-Your items will be set to +24 in the tournament and 3v3 arenas!

-3v3 Arena was added to the game
You can find the teleporter in the maincities (where the footballstadion was earlier)
*The fee is actually 50silver not 300 (Will be fixed over NIGHT!) (It only takes 50 silver when you register)

-A new zone called "Iberian Peace Zone" was added to the game!
*This zone can be visited through the main porter in Kether and Markuth(Last portal)
*In this zone you can trade with valorians and derions
*In zhis zone you can duel with valorians and derions
*In this zone you can whisper with valorians and derions
*The local/normal chat(white /n) is for valorian and derion in this zone

-The upgrade chat is global now! (Valorian and derion can read it)
-Added a bunch of new haircuts for all races

-8 new colors for comments were added:

The daily +15% updgrade event was changed to +30%

-The auction house bidding function is working now
-The clock does jump now to default position when it is out of screen
-The clock does jump now to default position when you use "Reset" in the game options
-The skills of the summoner pet's do display now the correct cooldown time