Changes, Addons & Bugfixes - Classchanges and more

General Information
Product name
Creation date
Created by
Description 4Story Ancient Patch 1.1

Item related changes
-The upgradelevel of instance dropitems(from aron) were changed:
*Ini 29 = +9
*Ini 39 = +11
*Ini 49 = +13
*Ini 59 = +16
*Ini 69 = +17
*Ini 79 = +18
-Title tournament weapons and cloaks are +20 now!
-Doubleclicking bowstrings give BP now:
*Low = 4BP
*Middle = 5BP
*High = 6BP
*Highest = 8BP
-Doubleclicking Rumapark's Crystal gives 25 BP now!
-Rumapark's Crystal and all bowstrings can be stacked up to 200 now!
-Experience chocolate give less experience from level 80-90
-Bolts/Arrows/Throwing Axes can be stacked up to 250 now!
-Bolts cost now 3bronce and throwing axes do cost 5bronce.

Cash/Bonus - Shop
-Scroll of Reflection was added to the BP-Shop
-Alchemist's Formula was added to the BP-Shop
-The price of "Weapon Experts Guide" was reduced to 29MS

Class related changes
*More life(endurance boost)
*More magic damage(intelligence boost)
*The cast time for spawning an pet is reduced
*The bow/xbow can be used while walk
*The cast time for "Anesthesia", "Shock Wave", "Hell Vortex" and "Open wound" were reduced
*The reuse delay of "Shock Wave" was reduced from 16 to 9 seconds.
*The bow/xbow can be used while walk
*"Hide", "Bloodsucking" and "Poison" do have less cast time
*The cast time for "Pendatrons Coat" was increased to 1,31 seconds.

Mission Maps
-A npc shop(selling bolts/arrows and throwing axes) were placed into the mission maps base camps.
You also can sell your items there(empty bags)!
-A npc to repair your items were placed into the mission maps base camps.

-A limit was added for the cashdeposit. You can store up to 50 items now
-"Iverian Ender"(Pref 36 XBOW) was added to the Epic Weapon Trader.
-You receive now skillpoints up to level 90.
-You cannot use invisible potions in tournaments anymore.
-You can spend more experience to your guild at once.

-The pet of the summoner is fixed.
-Document 70 is not enterable for players above level 80 anymore.
-Dying the cloak does not fail anymore.
-Durability was added to the level reward items.
-The quest "Because I had to get away so .... " for the Dodge is working now
-Doubleclicking the npc "Beowulf Holfram" does open his shop automatically now
-Corrigated the level of doc 10 and instance 19 monsters. (30 monster)
-The color of monster names were fixed